“It’s time for your session,” I remind him.

He glances at me. “Any word about Alex?”

Despite how much Logan and Alex do not get along, Logan has been worried about him ever since he was taken.

I sit down beside him, letting the warm wind dry the sweat on the back of my neck from the walk. “No. They don’t know where Karina took him. I don’t know where to begin searching for him.”

“We’ll find him, little wolf,” Logan says.

There’s no comfort in his voice, just a grim determination which I appreciate. I carry out the session, unlinking the darkness andgetting rid of some of dark magic inside him. Even an hour a day takes it out of me. There are different kinds of magic. Some spells are very draining. Some are as easy as breathing. The darkness inside Logan is very hard to remove but I’m chipping away at it, one piece at a time.

Once I’m done, I get to my feet, my body jittery. “I’ll be leaving tonight.”

“To go find Alex?”

I nod. “A few soldiers will guard the pack. Evacuations have begun to move the children and women into the bunkers in the forest. The other soldiers will head toward the city that Karina is trying to attack. Myself and a few others will go look for Alex while Karina is distracted.”

“I’ll be going with you,” Logan tells me bluntly. When I open my mouth to say something, he cuts me off. “I’m not asking you, Sophia. I’m telling you. I’ll go with you to find him. You need somebody to look after you.”

“I have a lot of people protecting me.”

“I didn’t say protect,” Logan narrows his eyes. “You need somebody to look after you. You won’t eat. You won’t take care of yourself. That mate of yours is going to have a fit when he sees the state you are in. No, I’ll be going with you. It’s decided.”

I roll my eyes. “Just say you want to find Alex. And I’m not that bad. I can take care of myself.”

Logan just scoffs.

I sigh heavily, knowing there is no way of winning an argument against him. The only thing I’ll get out of it is a headache. “Whydon’t you come into town? I’ll set you up in a nice place. You can shower and everything.”

Logan shakes his head. “I like sleeping under the open sky. You have plenty of lakes nearby. I can wash off there. You got me new clothes. That was all I needed. The food is also decent.”

“Don’t you get lonely out here?”

Logan looks at me, his eyes inscrutable. “I’ve been alone for a long time. The sound of the birds and the insects makes me feel like I belong out here. Stop trying to fix me, Sophia. I’m fine. This is what I need. Come get me when you go to find Alex.”

There’s no arguing with him so I head back.

I’ve just gotten back into town when I run into Saul and Patrick.

“Is everything ready for tonight?”

The two men reassure me that it is and Patrick gives me a steady look. “There’s something you should know. There’s no sign of Noah and Tina anywhere. After the attack, a lot of money was drawn from one of Robert’s accounts. I’ve sent word to different packs in the South, even to Robert's staunchest allies. Still nothing. It’s as if the two of them have disappeared.”

“That’s not entirely true,” Saul interjects. “There is something, but I’m not sure if this is about the two of them. There was an attack on one of the healer’s offices near the North border. According to our spy, a witch was spotted at the office trying to buy healing potions. When the healer refused to sell the quantity she wanted, the witch attacked her and stole everything. Nobody was able to identify her. It could be Tina.”

“If it was Tina, that means Noah must be injured,” I muse. “When was this?”

“Two weeks from your arrival,” Saul informs me.

“Let’s just keep digging into everything. Right now, every piece of information is useful. Logan will be joining us when we go to look for Alex.”

Patrick doesn’t look too pleased, but he knows better than to argue with me.


As the day comes to an end, I stop by to see my mother one more time. It's not easy to keep saying goodbye to her.

I squeeze her hand and press my lips against her cold fingers. "I'll come see you soon. Pray to the Goddess that everything turns out okay, Mom. I don't want to lose Alex."