“What about your parents?” I ask.

Elsa looks unfazed. “Witches are not born. They grow into their powers. When a child develops these abilities, they act like a beacon to the covens nearby who sense their existence. Those covens take the child. Multiple witches are born in the same family line. My mother wasn’t a witch but my aunt was. When I was born, my aunt just knew. She waited till I was three and my abilities manifested. My parents were more than happy to hand me over. I had become a handful.”

She looks at me. “I have other siblings, you know, but I never really connected with them. I always felt like an outsider when I was with them. After Marlene took me away, I would often visit my family but those visits slowed down as I grew older till I just stopped going.”

I give her a shocked look. "Marlene made you…"

"No," Elsa reassures me. "It's a witch thing. Witches are drawn together because of their abilities and the coven becomes a family. It's something in our head. We begin to feel a disconnect with our biological family once our powers manifest. And it's the same for the family. My parents wished me well when I said my last goodbye. We both felt relieved to be free from each other."

I raise my brows, not knowing how to process this.

"I'm glad to know my Aunt is doing well." Elsa looks happy. When she sees my expression though, the smile vanishes.

"What is it? What happened?"

“Alex,” I say tiredly. “Karina kidnapped him.”

Elsa lets out a stifled gasp. “What?”

Despite how exhausted I am, I get to my feet, unable to sit still. “We were in the South Alliance when it happened.”

As I tell her the details, her face turns grim.

“I’ve heard of the fog. It’s a spell cast by dark witches. I’m surprised you were able to use your abilities. It messes with a witch’s magic.”

“Good thing I’m not a witch then,” I respond. “Logan tried to help …”


“He’s a shifter we found captured by dark witches. I can’t explain right now. It’s complicated. There’s a lot that has to be done.”

“Sophia.” Elsa takes me by the hands, forcing me to sit on her bed. “Breathe. Relax. How are we getting Alex back? Do you know where he is?”

I shake my head. “I was hoping you could teach me how to do a locator spell…”

“I can’t.” The older witch looks regretful. “Locator spells are an advanced form of magic. I left the coven before I could learn it.”

“What about portal magic?”

Elsa frowns. “I can create one but I will need your help. I’ve been pouring a lot of healing magic into Grace so my abilities are not stable. What’s the location you want to be ported to?”

I consider her question. I could show up in Karina’s mansion or territory, but I want tokeep a low profile. I don’t want her to know I’m searching for Alex just yet.

“Inside the North Alliance, just past the border.”

“And how will you begin searching for Alex?”

I open my mouth and then snap it shut, confessing, “I really don’t know. I’ll search every inch of it if I have to. How long will it take to create a portal?”

“In my current condition, two days,” Elsa admits.

I study her, an idea sparking in my head. “And multiple portals into different parts of the North territory?”

Elsa grimaces. “Should I even ask why?”

“Can we do it in two days?”

The older witch takes her time in answering but finally nods, reluctantly. “It’s possible. It might take one additional day, though. Are you sure you want to delay the search for Alex till then?”