Page 9 of Girl, Haunted

‘No. I closed one two days ago. But paperwork? FD-302s? 772s?’

‘Loads of both,’ Ella said. ‘Come on Hawkins, paperwork can wait. A little elbow grease never killed anyone.’

Luca groaned and sank deeper into the couch. ‘No, but it's made plenty wish they were dead. Can't we just hire someone?’

‘To wallpaper a wall? What are you, a housewife?’

‘I wish.’

‘Look, a man’s house is a reflection of the woman he lives with. I don’t want people thinking you’ve shacked up with your nana.’ The shrill ping of Ella’s work cell interrupted their conversation.

‘Oh, thank God,’ Luca said. He reached for the phone and clocked the name on the screen. ‘The big man wants you.’

Ella took the phone from him.INCOMING CALL:WILLIAM EDIS. She sighed and said goodbye to any hopes of redecorating. If Edis was calling at this time of morning, it meant he needed something done today.

‘Morning, sir,’ Ella answered.

‘Dark. Heard about the trial. Good job.’

‘Thank you.’ Now wasn’t the time to debate the ethics of the death penalty, least of all with the director. ‘Arrived back in D.C. an hour ago.’

‘Perfect. Then you can get to the office. Something landed on my desk this morning and I need my A-team on it.’

It had been three months since she’d last been out in the field – her last hurrah beside Ripley. Now, she guessed, was the time to fly solo.

‘A new case?’

‘Yes. And it’s… a strange one.’

Ella’s heart pumped a little faster. Strange was her drug of choice. ‘How strange?’

‘Difficult to say. It’s a serial case in the back end of Oregon. But… well, you need to see the details. Can you get here right away?’

‘Yes. I can get there.’ Over on the couch, Luca grinned. The little rat might have escaped renovation today, but his time would come.

‘Good. Step on it,’ Edis said. ‘Oh, and bring Hawkins with you. If you’re back, it means he’s free too.’

Then the phone line went dead. Ella stuffed her cell back into her pocket and returned Luca’s white-toothed smile.

'Don't forget to check your desk while you're there, honey,' Luca said.

‘I will, honey. Don’t forget your toothbrush this time. You’re not borrowing mine again.’

Luca was halfway towards picking up Catcher in the Rye again. ‘What?’

‘Get your dancing shoes on. Edis wants to see you too.’

‘You’re kidding?’

‘No. This is karma for us trying to skip work.’

Luca blew out a long breath. ‘Me?’

‘Yes. You. Now come on. The quicker we get there, the sooner we’ll be on a plane.’

He heaved himself up from the couch and cracked a few joints. ‘Fine. I knew this vacation wouldn’t last long. Did Edis say where we’re going?’

‘Oregon, didn’t specify where.’