“A different ring for a new beginning,” he said, taking the emerald-cut diamond ring out of the box and showing her the inscription on the inside - an anchor, a piece of ivy, and little bear.
Lily laughed through her tears. “For ten years you hated the song and now this?”
“For ten years, I thought you were singing about a love triangle.”
“‘From two, to three, baby, we were meant to be, cause I’m anchored to you.’”
Lily fell back on the blankets, clutching the ring to her chest, her laughter rocking her body. Grey gently pried open her hand, slipping the ring out and guiding it onto her finger.
“From two to four, baby forever more. I’m anchored to you.”
Lily was in the kitchen,brewing a cup of chamomile tea, when she heard the soft sound of footsteps approaching. Ivy wandered in; her expression closed and uncomfortable. Lily zeroed in on her daughter’s fingers twisting the ring Lily gave her made from ashes of her affable grandfather.
“Hey, Sweetheart,” she said, concern filling her voice. “What’s up?”
Ivy shuffled her feet, fidgeting with the hem of her shirt. “Um, can I talk to you about something?”
Lily put down her mug, her heart racing. She would never take for granted these moments with her baby. She put a lock on her enthusiasm and focused on her girl. “Of course! You can tell me anything.” She motioned for Ivy to come closer, and the young girl sat at the kitchen island, her eyes downcast.
“I got my period,” Ivy said quietly, the words barely escaping her lips.
Lily felt a wave of empathy wash over her. This moment felt monumental. She remembered the awkwardness she’d felt at Ivy’s age, the blend of fear, dread with a touch of excitement. “Okay,” she replied gently, making her way to Ivy’s side. “That’scompletely normal. It can be a little scary at first, but I promise it’s something every girl goes through.”
Ivy nodded, but her brow furrowed in concern. “This sucks. I’m the first girl I know to get it.”
Lily placed a reassuring hand on Ivy’s back, rubbing it softly. “I got mine kinda early too. At my eleventh birthday party wearing my brand new cute pink jeans and matching jacket. I got off my bike and left a stain on the seat.”
“Oh NO!”
“Oh. Yes.” I wanted to crawl under a rock, but it wasn’t long before I was the girl everyone came to when they got theirs instead of going to the nurse. Momma thought I was hemorrhaging, I was going through too many pads in a month!”
Ivy laughed hard and Lily reached out to cup her face. You’ll get the hang of it, and it’ll be days that it sucks more than others, but I can help you with that.”
“Dad is going to go overboard,” Ivy admitted, a hint of exasperation in her voice. “I got a slide deck on The Human Body and Procreation when I turned ten. It was like he was planning a mission.”
Lily chuckled softly and nodded. “That sounds like him, but know he goes all in because he loves you.”
Ivy nodded, her face relaxing a little. “Yeah, I know. Thanks Momma.”
Every time.
Every time her baby called her ‘Mom’ or ‘Momma’ or even ‘Mo-om’ in annoyance her heart stuttered a bit.
Every. Single. Time. And she’d take a thousand mini-heart attacks as long as she could keep hearing it.
“Thanks for not making it weird,” Ivy said softly.
“I’ll leave that up for your dad, and here he is now.”
Grey came around the corner looking from Lily to Ivy and a wide smile on his face. After forehead kisses for his girls, he waited for one of them to say something.
“Don’t make it weird,” Ivy said.
“Ivy got her period,” Lily said.