“That’s a backhoe,” Raina called out as Lily moved to the backdoor ready to tear Greyson a new one.Shewas Caleb’s guardian. He should have asked her permission. Caleb was a child…He was…
“…handling that backhoe like he’s been doing it all of his life.”
She watched the last twenty minutes of his work, with Grey patiently sitting beside him, every so often pointing things out, but for the most part, he let Caleb work. And her nephew, whose fingers played Chopin and Hendrix with artistry, applied the same depth and focus to John Deere.
By the time they finished, the moon was rising and Raina had brought out the sweetest, freshest lemonade and some simple but delicious sandwiches. They sat together eating, chatting, and waiting for the guys to finish.
Soon enough, Caleb and Greyson were climbing down and turning off the industrial lights that illuminated the area. Caleb, eyes alight, grinned from ear to ear.
“Did you see that Auntie? We had to dig to check out the pipe, which was filled with old paint and tree roots. Then we cut it out, replaced it, and Grey let me fill in by myself!”
“I saw Boog. You looked legit out there.”
“Ooh, food!”
“Wash up first.”
“Wash up first.”
Lily and Greyson met eyes after they spoke in unison, stopping Caleb in mid reach.
“But I’m hungry…”
“Then you better hurry, man,” Greyson said good-naturedly.
“Here, have a sip,” Lily said, holding up her lemonade and straw. Caleb took two long drags, emptying it and cracking his aunt up.
“Oh, that’s goood,” he said with a smile before galloping off into the house.
“Well, I’m going to get going,” Raina said as she slapped her hands against her thighs and stood. “These are yours Doc.”
Lily caught the keys to the golf cart. “But–”
“The ranch is a big place. You need to get around safely while you continue to heal,” Greyson interrupted her.
“This is as good as it’s going to get unless I lose a hundred pounds, according to the last two physical therapists I worked with,” Lily said with a shrug.
“What?!” Grey growled.
“Well, that sounds like bullshit,” Raina offered, disgruntled. “Grey, I’m going to call the PT over at Silver Creek and have him come on out. Those guys are Grey’s size and bigger, and he’s done phenomenal work. I’ll text you and let you know when he can come.”
And before Lily could say anything else, Raina had taken off up the path around the cottage. She and Grey stared at each other awkwardly.
“Would you like a sandwich? I didn’t make them, but it’s the least I can do for everything you’ve done today… Everything.”
“I–I should go Lily, let you and Caleb get some rest. I’ll be back with some of the guys to finish up. Is nine okay?”
Lily swallowed a surprising amount of disappointment and nodded.
Grey looked like he was going to say something else, but turned his focus to her phone. “Put in my number in case you need anything.”
“Grey, I quit.”
“Lily, Ivy comes home in a month. I figured this is the best place to be to prepare for that. Plus, I didn’t accept your resignation and your contract requires you to work to the end of the term except in case of dire injury.”
She had no intentions of leaving, not when Ivy would be a hop and skip away. Shoot, she’d move herself and Caleb in her baby’s room if she didn’t think it would be creepy for the kid. But still…
“You don’t like me deciding for you,” he said, reading her mind.