A voice with a heavy Cajun accent answered in a tone meant to give the listener chills. “Enter only ifyou dare. See into da future. Oui, Gisele, I’m in here and alone. What took you so long?”
With her hand on the velvet curtain hanging over the door, she lifted her chin and spoke a little louder, giving an introduction worthy of her grand-mère. “Enter the realm of the amazing, the myth, the legend, Bayou Mambaloa’s own Voodoo Queen, Madam Gautier.” She flung back the curtain and waved Rafael through with a flourish.
He ducked his head and stepped into the small tent big enough really for only the fortune teller and one customer.
Gisele squeezed in behind Rafael.
“Sit!” Madam Gautier commanded.
When Rafael moved to let Gisele sit in the only chair positioned directly across from her, grand-mère, Madam Gautier, glared. “No, no, no!” She pointed a gnarled finger at Rafael. “You will sit.”
Rafael shot a glance toward Gisele.
She nodded.
“You need not permission when Madam Gautier commands.” She waved her hand.
Rafael dropped into the seat.
“Your hand,” she demanded. “Give me your hand.”
He held out his hand as if he would shake hers. “Rafael Romero, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. Always a pleasure.” Instead of shaking his hand, she yanked it toward her,positioning it beneath the light hanging over the table. She turned it palm upward and stared at the lines.
Any other person would have laughed at the woman’s crazed expression and intensity.
Not Gisele. She’d learned long ago that her grand-mère was special. Magical. She couldn’t explain how her grand-mère knew the things she knew or conjured spells and potions much more complicated than what Gisele experimented with. She just knew to trust that what she did was real.
Rafael had the decency not to laugh. He gave the woman his hand and his attention.
“You have faced danger and survived. Not once, but many times.”
Rafael nodded.
“Love has eluded you when you in da past, giving you da chance to mature and know what you truly want and to allow you to recognize when it comes to you.” She leaned closer, her eyes narrowing, a crease forming across her forehead. “You will face another challenge dat will test your beliefs, test your strength and heart and da depth of your commitment. Do not hesitate, or you will lose all.”
She shoved his hand back across the table and leaned her head back. Drawing in a deep breath, she let it out slowly. She inhaled again and let out quickly, her head coming down, her gaze meeting Rafael’s. “You are sleeping with my granddaughter?”
Rafael leaned back, his eyes wide. “Madam?”
She waved her hand, dismissing his questioning glance. “Of course you are.” She flung her hand toward the curtained door. “Leave. I wish to speak with Gisele.”
Rafael rose to his feet, his gaze going to Gisele.
“It’s okay. I’ll only be a few minutes,” she said and stepped aside so he could exit.
Once Rafael was outside the tent and the curtain dropped, Gisele sank into the chair he’d vacated, the warmth of his body seeping into hers.
“You came for da ingredients?” her grand-mère asked.
“Yes, grand-mère,” she responded.
Madam Gautier reached beneath the table, pulled out a canvas tote and handed it across the table. “I will see you Sunday night for dinner?”
Gisele nodded. “Yes, grand-mère.”
The older woman lifted her chin toward the door. “Bring your man.”