A frown formed on Rafael’s forehead. “Where are you going?”
She gave him a confused look. “Back to my apartment, of course.”
His frown deepened. “Why?”
“You need time to recover, and I need sleep.” She gave him a quick smile. “I don’t want you to think I’m clingy or want anything more than great sex.” She found her bra, skirt and shirt, but couldn’t locate her panties. She gave up looking for them and slippedher shirt over her head. After stepping into her skirt, she pulled it up over her hips and fastened the catch.
“You’re really going?”
Gisele nodded. “I really am.”
Rafael sat up in the bed and crossed his arms over his chest. “Are you being sarcastic or somehow testing me?”
She moved toward the door of his bedroom, edging slowly toward escape. “Neither. You said so yourself that you’re not into commitment.”
“Yes, but that doesn’t mean I’ll kick you out of my place immediately after.”
“You’re only into today,” she reminded him softly. “Tomorrow has no guarantees. You’ll be happy to know, I’m not holding you to anything. No demands. I won’t manipulate you with guilt or expect anything from you beyond the moment. I assume it goes both ways. Equal opportunity and all.” She gave him a tight smile.
“What if I want you to stay?” Rafael asked.
“Specific amounts of time could be construed as bleeding into the future. It requires you to commit to a certain timeframe that isn’t now. Can you be specific about how long you want me to stay?”
“I don’t know. I thought we’d cuddle for a while.”
“Is a while equivalent to an hour?” Why was she still standing there when her chest was tight, and her knees were shaking? “It doesn’t matter. I’m going to my apartment.
Gisele really hadn’t thought through her need to leave. She just couldn’t stay the night with him. Every moment she spent with Rafael made her increasingly aware of how she’d feel when he walked away.
Shitty, depressed and bone-achingly lonely.
She’d be better off cutting it off before she sank even further into feelings for the man.
“I have to go,” she murmured, spinning on her bare heels.
She walked out of his bedroom. As soon as she was out of his sight, she ran for the exit. She flung open the door and darted outside and down the metal stairs.
She was halfway down the staircase when a loud shrieking sound cut through the night.
Gisele froze, her gaze shooting toward the rear of the shop. The alarm kept screaming. A dark figure ran away from the back of her building, disappearing into the night.
Footsteps pounded on the staircase above where Gisele stood. She looked up to see Rafael, wearing the gym shorts, barefooted and carrying ahandgun, as he raced down the stairs toward her.
As he passed her, he called out, “Get back in my apartment and lock the door.”
When she didn’t move immediately, he barked, “Now!”
Gisele jumped and ran up to his apartment. As she passed through his open door, she looked back.
Rafael reached the bottom of the staircase, turned and sprinted across the alley toward the back of the shop and disappeared.
Her heart leaped into her throat. She stood for a long moment framed in the doorway, every fiber of her being screaming for her to go after him.
What if the man who’d tried to break into her building was armed? What if he was lying in wait to take Rafael down?
What if Rafael was attacked, shot or stabbed? He could bleed out before anyone got to him.
Gisele’s heart banged hard against her ribs as she stood there, every horrible scenario playing out in her mind.