Catya did as he requested.
Once Fearghas sent the photos to Dmytro and Swede, he started the engine.
“Why didn’t you follow the man on the motorcycle?” Catya asked.
“I thought about it,” Fearghas said. “But he might have caught on to the fact he was being followed. I don’t want anyone to know we’re here and spying on them. Not until we get a better idea of all the players in this game. The fact that the Deputy Prime Minister is conversing with the man who could have been the one who killed your parents makes me wonder how deep the rot has spread in the government and what’s motivating those involved.”
“Money,” Catya said. “Money motivates everything.”
“Shall we head back to Cassandra’s flat and continue our stakeout?”
“We already know she’s in bed with the Deputy Prime Minister,” Catya said. “From the familiarity my parent’s killer displayed with the DPM, I’d say he’s in up to his eyebrows.”
“We really need to know what they’re up to and why it was so important to get that disk back.”
Catya nodded. “Why it was important enough to kill for.”
Fearghas drove back to Cassandra’s flat and parked in the street a block away.
“It’ll be daylight soon. You might as well get some sleep. I’ll keep watch.”
“What about you?” she asked. “You need rest.”
“I’ll get it later when the others take over,” he said.
“Then I’ll do the same,” she said and rested the camera on her lap, flipping back through the photos she’d taken. “I hope facial recognition software can use these images. Their faces were shadowed much of the time.” She played with one image, enlarging it and zooming in on the mystery man’s face. She held up the camera for Fearghas to see. “Does he look familiar?”
Fearghas studied the face and shook his head. “No.”
“If we could get into Cassandra Miles’s home and locate the disk, do you think she might have decrypted the data? What if she has more information on her computer that might help us?”
Fearghas tilted his head, considering her suggestion. “It might be worth a try.”
“We could go in, posing as a cleaning service or maintenance crew.”
Fearghas smiled and touched her cheek. “You’re amazing the way you change into different people so quickly and blend into the background.”
She shrugged. “To be a good spy, you have to be able to hide in plain sight.”
“Which you’ve mastered.” He brushed his thumb over her bottom lip.
“Being able to disappear has kept me alive all these years.” She leaned into his palm and pressed her lips to his lifeline. “It’s easy to disappear when you’re alone.”
“Being alone is also very...” he leaned over the console and brushed his mouth across hers, “... lonely.”
She licked her bottom lip where his had been a second ago. “Relationships make you vulnerable.”
He cupped the back of her head and pressed a kiss to the tip of her nose. “Is that such a bad thing?”
“It is if the one you love becomes a target or leverage to get to you,” she whispered. “Don’t do this.”
“Do what?” he breathed against her ear. “This?” He caught her earlobe between his teeth and nibbled gently.
“Yes. That,” she said, breathily.
“Or this?” He placed feather-soft kisses along the line of her jaw, angling toward her mouth.
Catya moaned, turned her head and captured his mouth with hers, her hands encircling the back of his head to pull him closer.