Page 96 of End Game

“My reputation with the ladies isn’t the best.” I wince, glad I’m not face to face with her while saying this.

“Oh, Nico.” She sighs. “Sometimes I worry that’s all my fault.”

“What? No way, Mom. You’re great.”

“You didn’t see a healthy relationship growing up. Your dad left us, and I channeled all of my energy into you.”

“And I appreciate that.” I pull onto our street, turning into the driveway almost immediately. “You’re not the reason I won’t commit.”

“My relationship with your father influenced you, though. Even if you can’t see that. He ran away from his commitments and never looked back.”

Shit. She’s right. I refuse to be like that guy. He ditched us and left my mother alone to pick up the pieces. Am I avoiding relationships so I won’t do the same?

“If you’re really being the asshole in this situation, Nico, you need to make things right,” Mom says. “With everyone.”

“I will,” I say, my voice fierce. “I promise.”

Chapter Thirty-One


I wait for my roommates to finish practice before we all walk home together. Normally Nico is their ride home, but since he got kicked out of practice today because of me ...

Here we are.

“Are you coming to practice tomorrow?” Frank asks me. “That session you led was great. Everyone said so. Right, Coop?”

Coop grunts in response.

“I can’t because I have class. And anyway, today was just a test run. Your coach said he’d let me know if they want me to come back again.” I’m guessing when their star offensive player basically asks to get booted from practice, they’re going to reconsider if they want to use me or not.

“Fucking Nico. He better not have ruined it for you with how he got kicked out,” Frank mutters, shocking me. I don’t hear him curse much. “He’s been a complete jackass lately.”

“It’s no big deal.” I put on a brave face, trying to smile through the humiliation.

Well, I’m not feeling so humiliated anymore, but I sure was when Nico was standing there in front of his entire team, rejecting me. I sound dramatic, but that’s what it felt like. He refused to do my class.

Just flat-out refused.

Who does that?

Is he mad at me for rejecting him? I ran out on him Sunday afternoon, and we’ve barely spoken since. I’m too embarrassed, and now I’m realizing he’s too angry.

See? This would’ve never worked. We’re already in a bad place. We should’ve never done what we did Saturday night.

Though deep down, I don’t totally regret it. That was the best night of my entire life. The three orgasms he gave me are more than proof of it.

“Don’t let what Nico did bother you.” This comes from Coop, who hasn’t said an actual word since we started walking home. “He doesn’t call the shots for our team.”

“He’s one of our captains,” Frank reminds us.

“So am I,” Coop says.

“Right. And Gav too. But if Nico ruined this opportunity for Ever ...”

“He hasn’t,” Coop interjects. “I talked to Coach right after practice. They’re definitely interested in Everleigh participating in a couple of practices every week.”

“Really?” I remind myself to remain calm and not get my hopes up. This would be such a great way to make more money and have fun while doing it. As long as the guys cooperate.