Page 76 of End Game

Here’s my problem. I’ve never liked being told what to do. Since I was a kid, I’ve constantly rebelled against authority. Made my parentsnuts, but someone trying to boss me around and tell me how I should act or feel?

It never sits right with me.

Yeah, the coaching staff can get on our asses and demand we do something, but it’s always for the betterment of the team. That I don’t mind. That’s what being a coach is all about.

That’s what being on a team is all about too. We’re in it together, just like I told Gavin earlier. Sometimes I’m a selfish bastard, but very rarely am I selfish when it comes to football. Catching the ball and running it into the end zone is enough of a glory moment for me to get my accolades in.

But this woman I went out with—damn, I can’t even call it that; more like we fucked around for a couple of weeks, tops—is now determined to make my life a living hell, and I don’t get why. It’s not like we had a solid connection. Not yet. And while I hated how bossy she was all the damn time—I don’t like being told what to do—I know I’m the one who ruined everything between us, not that I regret it. I didn’t treat her the best, though, which looking back on it, was pretty awful on my part.

I’m not a great guy, especially when it comes to women. I screw up all the time. I’m careless. Thoughtless. I’ve had a few women even tell me I’m heartless.

Maybe they’re right. I don’t know. I’m thinking after tonight, I need to reassess my behavior and start treating women with a little more respect. Because this situation is god awful.

“You must’ve really upset her.” I glance up to find Everleigh standing at the foot of the bed, adorable in my hoodie as she twists her hands together. Her teeth are sunk into her lower lip, and she seems hella stressed out.

“I did.” I decide to be honest. “When we were ... seeing each other, I treated her like garbage.”

“Yikes.” Her brows shoot up. I think I surprised her with my honesty. “Now I guess she’s getting you back?”

“Apparently. I think seeing us together triggered her.” I drop my arms and cross them in front of me. “I suppose I deserve this.”

“Well, maybe. Though no one deserves to be harassed.” She offers me a sympathetic smile. “I guess we’re stuck in here for a while, huh.”

“Guess so.” I shrug.

“What should we do to occupy our time?” She looks around my room, and I wonder what she thinks. I’m not a slob like Cooper, thank God. That guy’s room is always a mess. I don’t know how he’s able to find anything ever.

“Got any suggestions?” I ask, my mind overflowing with all sorts of ideas. None of them involving us wearing clothes.

Every one of them dirty.

Everleigh slowly shakes her head. “Scroll on our phones and wait it out, I suppose.”

“Is that what you want to do?”

“I don’t know what I want to do.” She throws her arms up in the air, the hoodie rising, flashing her slender thighs at me. “I was having a good night untilsheruined everything. I don’t even think I have a buzz anymore.”

“Same.” I lean over and check the bottom drawer of my nightstand. I pull out a bottle of mezcal I hid in there from the last time we had a party over the summer and I didn’t want anyone drinking it. “We can continue the party with this if you want.”

Her eyes light up at first sight of the bottle. “Seriously?”

She sounds amused, and I smile, the tension easing inside me a little. “Seriously. Come here.” I pat the other side of the bed, indicating I want her to sit next to me.

Maybe even slip under the covers with me.

Whatever she’s comfortable doing. I’m not about to push myself on her, especially after we promised each other we were going to keep this friendly.

“You sure that’s a good idea?” One delicate brow arches, and her lips curve into a faint smile. “You can’t try anything funny.”


A tiny laugh escapes her, and she shakes her head. “You know what I mean.”

“Come on.” I pat the empty spot beside me again. “Let’s settle in, share some mezcal, and relax. Hopefully by the time we polish off this bottle, Portia will finally get the hint and leave us alone. What do you say?”

Chapter Twenty-Six