Page 71 of End Game

Just like I am.

“I don’t know if they’ll let me have an assistant, but I’ll definitely keep your offer under consideration,” Everleigh says, nibbling on her lower lip. “I could only come to practice Monday and Wednesday. I have school on Tuesday and Thursday, and I end up working most Friday afternoons.”

“I don’t think that’s a problem.” Gavin’s gaze locks with mine. “What do you think, Nico?”

“Me?” I shrug. “Not a bad idea.”

“You’ll all need yoga mats,” Everleigh suggests, her brows drawing together. “Maybe I should write up some sort of proposal for your coaches on what I could provide.”

“That would be a great idea.” Gavin grins at both women, and they get a little too bright eyed at the sight of it. He may not know much about love or relationships, but he’s pretty good at putting on the charm.

Me, though?

I’m better.

Chapter Twenty-Four


I eventually walk away from Gavin and Nico, my head spinning from Gavin’s offer to meet about giving yoga lessons to the team.

And then there’s the fact that when that much testosterone is aimed directly at me, I get a little flustered. It becomes difficult to think clearly. I’m having a difficult enough time already trying to keep my thoughts from straying to other ... things.

Like Nico.

He looks extra appealing tonight wearing a pair of jeans and a Dolphins hoodie. That’s it. The outfit is truly nothing special, but the fact that it’s him wearing it?

Beyond gorgeous.

Meaning I have a problem.

That secret look we shared when Sienna was going on about being my assistant while staring at Gavin was unexpected. My stomach flipped the longer Nico stared into my eyes, and I finally had to look away first.

I told myself he didn’t matter, but I was lying. I still have a massive crush on Nico, made worse by our kissing session in the library. I think he’s still into me as well, which is just ... mind blowing. Even if we were to act on our impulses, this would go absolutely nowhere.

That’s what I need to keep reminding myself.

I escaped to the backyard just to avoid a run-in with Portia, and I sort of forgot that she was even here when the guys started talking to me. But I spot her again now, smiling and flirting with, of all people, Frank, who seems totally into her. Is she the one he’s been preoccupied with lately? This week he’s left the house late at night twice but always returns before the sun rises.

Watching them standing by the sliding glass door and the way Portia keeps touching his chest while he watches her with giant moon eyes, I sense she is definitely the one he’s been sneaking out and seeing. Which makes me worry that ...

She’s up to no good.

“What the hell is she doing here?”

I stiffen at the sound of Nico’s familiar voice coming from directly behind me. I can feel the warmth of his body seeping into mine, and for a minute there, it’s like I can’t move. I’m enjoying his warmth way too much.

“I forgot to warn you,” I admit, not looking at him.

He steps even closer, if that’s possible, his chest brushing my back, his mouth at my ear. “Forgot to warn me what? That she’s at the party?”

I nod, trembling at his closeness. At the sound of his deep chuckle, his warm breath touching my neck. “I saw her arrive earlier. That’s why I came outside.”

“I don’t blame you. I would’ve run from her too.” He pauses, and I wonder what he’s thinking. “Are you cold?”

He must see me—or feel me—shivering. “A little.”

It’s a lie. I’m warm from the alcohol and him. The only reason I’m trembling is from him standing so deliciously close to me.