Page 69 of End Game

“Yeah,” I rasp, feeling like an idiot.

“Ballsy,” he murmurs.

“We had a talk a few days ago.” I scrub the back of my neck, gripping it for a second before I let go. I decide not to mention the kiss in the library. “We decided we’d be better off as just friends.”

“When did this happen? I’ve been hanging out at your house all week and never noticed this little interaction.”

“We’re not about to chat about shit like that in front of you assholes,” I mutter.

“I can’t believe it. She rejected you.You.That’s gotta sting.” Gav is grinning. “She’s cute.”

“Tell me all about it.”

“I like the dress.” He pauses. “It’s short.”

I hear the amusement in his voice, and even though I know he’s only giving me shit, I’m tempted to threaten him just to get him to shut up.

“It’s too short,” I grumble, which has him laughing all over again. “Seriously, bro?”

“You got a crush, Valente? Is that your problem?” Now he’s actually clutching his sides, having a grand ol’ time at my expense. “I never thought I’d see the day.”

“You’re being an asshole,” I mutter.

“Please. You’ve been an asshole for the last three years. A cold, callous asshole when it comes to women especially. It’s nice to see someone get under your skin.”

“You enjoy watching me suffer?”

“Absolutely. I never thought I’d see the day.” He finally gets himself under control, wearing a straight face when he asks, “What’s so different about this one? Is it the yoga? How she cooks dinner for you guys? What a deal that is. I meant what I said when I called her wifey material.”

“That pissed me off,” I admit.

He’s grinning again. “I remember. It’s why I brought it up.”

I’m glaring. “Now you’re just trying to piss me off.”

“A little bit.” He pauses. “What is it about her that you’re attracted to?”

“I don’t even know.” That’s a lie. I like everything about her, but it’s hard to come up with a list for Gavin. “Maybe it’s because I’m not supposed to have her?”

“Forbidden fruit.” Gav nods like he understands.

“Right. Sure. She’s sweet. She tolerates my ass. She’s nice to Dollar.”

“No one is nice to Dollar,” Gav says.

It’s true. He’s such an easy mark. Always gets worked up when someone gives him grief, which everyone does.

“Exactly. She’s running yoga classes in our backyard.” I make a face. “All these jackasses from the team stretching and shit. Doing the lone-dog-tree position or whatever you call it. Unbelievable.”

“I’ve been enjoying the classes,” Gavin says, his expression thoughtful. “They really help with stress. Like, they clear my mind.”

I hate to admit that I didn’t mind the classes either. But is it only because I like to watch Ever the entire time in her cute workout outfits?


“Is that why you’re coming over all the time?” I ask him.

“Nah. I need the distraction. If I sit around at home too much, I start thinking about everything and freak myself out. Playing video games with you guys is a lot more relaxing. Oh, that and Everleigh’s nightly dinners. It feels like she’s taking care of us, you know?”