Page 66 of End Game

“Okay, Dad.” I tap my cup against his, and we both drink at the same time. “Where’s your sister?”

“I haven’t seen her all night. Figured she’s wearing some sexy dress that’ll make me want to cover her up.” I gape at him, making him laugh. “Apparently I’m correct.”

“You’re dead on.” I shrug one shoulder. “She’s just trying to have a little fun.”

“I know. And she deserves to, but every one of these guys in here doesn’t deserve her,” he says vehemently, gesturing at the crowd of mostly guys in the house. “God, this is nothing but a sausage party.”

I’m laughing because he’s so right. Nothing but dudes as far as the eye can see. “There are plenty of women outside. I was talking with one of them, and she’s already pretty drunk. She practically fell on me.”

“No thanks. I like my women somewhat sober. I don’t take advantage of drunk girls.” He shakes his head. “Be careful tonight, okay, Ever? I don’t want you to end up with some jackass who tries to hook up with you.”

“Maybe I want to hook up with someone.” I stand up straighter, saluting him with my cup. “That sounds kind of fun.”

“If you say so.” The doubt in his voice is clear, and I’m about to call him Dad again when I feel someone tugging on my arm. I turn to see it’s Sienna, who’s currently wearing an oversize denim jacket that’s actually really cute. And completely hides her scandalous dress. “What’s up, homie?”

She wraps me up in a hug, laughing. “Someone is feeling herself.”

“At least someone is feeling me, even if it’s only you.” I pull away from her to finish off my drink, smacking my lips together. “Another round, bartender!”

I practically shove my cup into Coop’s chest.

“There you are,” he says to Sienna as he takes my cup and sets it on the table. “I haven’t seen you all night.”

“There’s a reason for that.” She tucks the front of her jacket together, hiding the dress. “Are you corrupting my friend with copious amounts of alcohol?”

“She’s the one who asked for a double.” He gets to preparing me another, and I hop up and down with excitement, my head already spinning. “And that’s my roommate you’re referring to.”

“Whatever, she likes me most.” Sienna swings her arm around my shoulders and presses her cheek to mine. “Right, snookums?”

“You know it, babycakes.” I kiss her cheek, which of course has a few of the guys starting to chant, “Kiss her! Kiss her!”

God, men are such pervs.

“Do not kiss her,” Coop says with a grimace as he hands me my drink.

“I would never.” I take a sip. Damn, I think that’s even stronger than the first one. “I’m not here to put on a show for the guys.”

“Good, because they’re all assholes.” He glares at the group of chanters, silencing them just like that. Impressive. “There. They’ll leave you alone. Now go about your business.”

Sienna and I share a look before we hurriedly leave Coop behind at the table and wander around the house together, only stopping to talk to someone she knows, which is often. I continue sipping my drink, going a little slower this time around. I can feel the liquor flowing through my veins, warm and languid and making my bones feel like they could turn to mush at any moment. I’m feeling good.

Beyond good.

It’s definitely the alcohol talking, but I’m feeling pretty freaking great.

Until I spot a beautiful blonde with a nasty expression on her face glaring at me as she enters the house.


It’s Portia.

Chapter Twenty-Three


The party is off to a great start. There are so many people filling our house and backyard, the majority of them I don’t even know. Coop is acting as bartender at the moment, and Dollar is manning the keg with a couple of other teammates outside.

Me? I’m wandering around both the house and the backyard like the consummate host that I am. Smiling and greeting everyone. Offering them a drink. Directing the scantily clad and cold-looking women over to the firepit so they can warm themselves up.