They really are. They’re respectful of my space, they appreciate my cooking, and they try their best to keep the house tidy. They know I can’t help but pick up after them if they leave their stuff lying around. I don’t like a messy house. I dealt with that living with my mom. I saw it whenever I was at Brad’s house, which was often. I don’t like it when people are sloppy.
“I know I’ve said it before, but I’m so glad we’ve become friends.” Sienna smiles at me. “It’s nice to have someone here who understands what it’s like, being around these guys.”
I’ve come to realize over these last few weeks that it’s almost a privilege that we get to hang out with so many members of the football team. I get why they keep to themselves and don’t let just anyone into their inner circle. There are a lot of fame chasers on campus, both men and women.
But especially the women. I’m guessing we’ll have a house full of them tonight, and most of them will be trying to get the guys’ attention. I understand why they want it. The guys are all handsome. Charming. They command attention wherever they go, and people are drawn to them.
Like me. Especially one in particular. Who I just rejected. Even after he kissed me. And God, what a kiss. The hottest moment in my life took place in a library bathroom of all places.
Sometimes I wonder if I’m a complete idiot.
“Come on, let’s go out there and get drunk.” Sienna takes my hand and drags me toward the door, throwing it open. We’re blasted by loud music and even louder conversation when a deep male voice yells, “Yeah, let’s get it!”
The party has officially begun.
“You’re that girl who lives here, right?” This very tall, very thin woman is swaying on her feet, watching me with glassy eyes as she clutches a red Solo cup in her hand. She’s obviously drunk, and I’m worried she might pass out and fall forward, taking me with her.
We’re outside in the backyard standing near the firepit, which is keeping me warm. I can hear the ocean crash against the shore in the near distance, and the wind coming off the water is cold enough to leave me shivering.
I’m sort of regretting my dress choice. Regretting even more my decision to be outside, but Nico is inside, and just like Sienna is avoiding her brother, I’m avoiding Nico as much as possible.
Not like he’s noticing me anyway. He’s surrounded by an endless throng of girls, all of them clamoring for his attention. Every single oneof them hotter than me. Prettier than me. He has his choice of women tonight. Any night.
I remember the look on his face when he told me he couldn’t stop thinking about me. Or right when we first started to kiss in the bathroom, before we got caught by the pissed-off librarian. I’m sure each situation was just a fleeting moment. A symptom of wanting someone he can’t have, because we both know what a mistake it would be, messing around when we live together.
It would turn into an actual, giant mess, and we already know I don’t like messy things.
“I live here, yep.” I nod, glancing around the backyard in search of a familiar face. Even Nico would be a welcome sight so I could escape this very drunk woman.
“You’re so lucky,” the girl says, lurching forward so hard I step out of her way. I knew she was close to falling. “I’d pay to live here just so I could see Nico every day. Talk about a dream come true.”
Seriously? Why does it feel like everything centers around Nico?
“Yeah, you would definitely have to pay rent,” I tell her before I turn and walk away, leaving her by the firepit. With determined steps I march back into the house and spot Coop, who is at the kitchen table, a.k.a. our makeshift bar, pouring himself a drink. I stop right beside him.
“Whatever you’re having, make it a double for me,” I say firmly.
He does a double take at my demand. “Seriously, Ever? You don’t drink much.”
“I do tonight.”
“Better watch it.” He sounds fatherly with the warning. “You’re such a little thing. The liquor will go right to your head.”
“Everyone is a little thing compared to you.” I give him a sharp nudge in the side, making him yelp. “Serve me up, bartender.”
He does as I request, handing me a Solo cup full of some sort of alcoholic concoction that has me feeling brave. I take a massive swig, nearly choking on it when it goes down, but fortunately I swallow it all without spitting it back up like a wimpy little baby.
“Delicious,” I rasp, my eyes watering.
He chuckles. “You’re going to be wasted in like thirty minutes.”
“Good. That’s the goal.”
Coop’s brows shoot up. “You work tomorrow?”
I shake my head and take another drink. “It’s my day off.”
“You’re lucky, because you’re gonna need to sleep off the hangover.”