Page 105 of End Game

It’s the perfect setting to win a game.

This time of year most of the colleges we play against are dealing with colder weather. Cloudy skies accompanied by wind and rain. Sometimes even snow. But here in Santa Mira?

The weather is great year round. Yeah, we’ll have the occasional rainstorm, and we’ll sometimes get major fog, but for the most part? It’s like we’re living on endless vacation around here. Similar to the weather I grew up with too. And speaking of growing up ...

My mom is here at the game today. She’s a nurse, so sometimes it’s hard for her to get time off to come to my games, but she’s in the stands today, sitting with ...

My girlfriend.

We’ve been playing it cool, Ever and I. We go out a lot. Just the two of us. When we’re feeling ambitious, those dates turn into study sessions, which we both need. School is getting more intense, and we haveto stay on top of it. When we’re not cramming for an exam or writing papers, we go to the movies. We mostly stay home, holed up in one of our bedrooms and watching a movie or series on a laptop.

That usually leads to us kissing. Making out in the most intense way possible, though we never take it beyond that. I’m a new man. A changed man. I’m trying to take this slow and savor her. Make her feel cherished and wanted and needed. Show her appreciation and not just use her for hot sex.

That’s the most difficult part. Resisting her. I’m being 100 percent truthful right now: this woman is dying for it.

Dying for me.

But I can say that because I’m dying for her too. Goddamn, has it been difficult, only just kissing her. Maybe feeling her up a little bit while we kiss on her bed. Or my bed. Or at the movie theater. Or in my truck. In the back of the library during one of our late-night study sessions.

The one place where we never get too touchy feely? When she’s leading the football team through yoga sessions. I’m usually in the back row, my gaze never straying from her as she stretches and moves. The guys treat her with respect—thanks to me giving them a little reminder speech that she’s mine and they better back the fuck off—and I’ve turned into quite the dutiful yoga student.

We kiss everywhere we can without causing a scene because lately anywhere I go I seem to cause a scene, thanks to the football team doing so well. In the past, I loved this sort of attention. Fucking reveled in it.

Now all I can think about isWhen can I get some alone time with my girl?

I rub at my chest, right at my heart. Sounds good calling Ever that, even in my own mind.

“What are you daydreaming about?”

Gav appears at my side, full of his usual swagger. I love my friend and am always loyal to him, but he done messed up big time when it comes to Sienna, who also happens to be sitting with Ever and my mom up in the stands.

I’m still not sure what happened that night during the steak dinner a couple of weeks ago when Gavin went searching for Sienna after she told him off, but it couldn’t have been good. Because those two aren’t talking to each other. Sienna’s not coming around our house if Gav is there. And when she’s hanging out with us and Gav shows up?

Sienna leaves.

Ever claims she doesn’t know much about it, either, but I think she’s just protecting her friend, which I get. I don’t push. Someday she’ll tell me. Or Sienna will.

Or Gavin.

“Just thinking today is a good day to kick some ass.” I grin at him, and he smiles in return.

We’re at the front of the tunnel from where we run out onto the field, the game announcers rattling on from their booth about today’s game and how important it is to the Dolphins. We’re currently undefeated this season, and the odds for today’s game are in our favor.

But you still never know what might happen. We could lose.

Doubt we will, though. Thinking there’s a chance is a mentality I don’t want to touch today. I’m confident we’re going to win.

“I figured you were fantasizing about your new girlfriend.” Gavin laughs when I shoot him a dirty look. “Stop being so sensitive.”

“Stop talking about Ever,” I tell him, but he knows I’m giving him shit. Just like he’s doing to me.

Ever since Everleigh and I became somewhat official, my teammates love nothing more than to give me endless shit about it. All good natured, of course.

I’m whipped, I’m soooo in looooooove, I’m a simp, I’m a pussy, I’m all of the above. I laugh along with them and tell them all to go to hell, but I never, ever deny it.

Because it’s true. Not that I’ve ever actually experienced it before, but I think I’m a little in love with Everleigh.

Okay, fine, I’m not a little in love. Iamin love.