Page 59 of In Dangerous Water

A little while later we were all sitting around the massive dining room table. There were a variety of discussions happening at the same time. My father was telling Robbie and Austin about his latest deep sea fishing trip. Apparently, he’d caught something the size of the Loch Ness least that’s what he told a desperately impressed Robbie.

Skye was arguing with Kenna about the future stuffing, and whether or not there would be apples in it this year—there typically was. Brynn and my mother were discussing the table set up for tomorrow and the centerpieces.

“No candles,” my mother said firmly. “Flowers yes, butnocandles. I do not want a repeat of the Thanksgiving incident of 2019.”

Skye tossed her head. “It wasn’t my fault that Kenna can’t control her magick.”

Kenna’s head whipped around, and she glared at Skye. “It wasyourelement that made the candle flames blow down toward the table.”

Brynn chuckled. “Bottom line, you arebothat fault for setting Great-grandma Golden’s lace tablecloth on fire.”

I sat with my bare feet tucked on top of Tim’s and couldn’t help the grin that spread across my face while my sisters bickered back and forth.

“Why are you smiling, young lady?” my father teased as he sat across the table from me. “As I recall, you tried to put out the fire with water magick, and—”

“Let’s not get into that now, Dad,” I said, cutting him off.

Tim leaned forward eagerly. “Oh, I have to hear this. What did she do, Forest?”

My father sat back in his chair. “In an effort to help, Cordelia sent water shooting toward the flames. Unfortunately she directed the water from a nearby pitcher up in the air,beforeit went down on the table. There was such a big splash that it completely doused my mother.”

“Hey, at least I put out the fire,” I grumbled.

“Your Grandma Althea wasnotamused,” My father said to me, then he shifted his attention to Tim. “You get any deeper in with this family, son, you may want to brace yourself. My girls always keep things interesting.”

Tim nodded. “I’ll consider myself warned, but it’s too late for that now.”

My father’s eyes sharpened. “Meaning?”

Tim turned to me. “I was going to do this later—when we were alone—but I think that the right time, is now.”

My heart slammed into my throat. “Right time for what?” I asked him, as everyone around us fell silent.

Tim shifted and pulled a small box from his pocket. My breath caught as he opened the lid, and a sparkling diamond solitaire ring was revealed.

“Cordelia,” he began. “I love you. And I love the magick that you bring into my world.”

My gaze swung from the ring and back to his face.

“Marry me?” he asked.

“Yes!” I said and dove straight into his arms.

While we kissed, the family cheered. Once we came up for air, Tim slipped the ring on my finger, and it fit perfectly. My parents and sisters all jumped to their feet to congratulate us.

“My youngest baby!” My mother kissed my cheeks with tears in her eyes. “The youngest getting married first!” She then grabbed Tim and kissed him too. “Oh, what a wedding we will give you!”

My father hugged both Tim and I. “Damn right we will. I’ve been saving up for years.”

“Congratulations.” Austin shook Tim’s hand.

“Thank you,” Tim said with a huge smile.

Brynn gave me and Tim a hug together. “I’ll do your flowers.”

Kenna pushed her way in to grab us next. “I’ll bake you both a hell of a cake!”

Skye nudged Kenna aside. “And I’ll be your maid of honor,” she said, hugging Tim first, and then me.