Page 58 of In Dangerous Water

I hugged her back every bit as tightly. While Tim shook hands with Philippe, I gave each of the twins a hug, and then I embraced Danielle.

“You and me. We’re not finished girlfriend,” I told her.

The girl smiled at me nervously.

“In two weeks,” I said, “you’re going to start private swim lessons with me at the aquatic center. You need to learn how to swim, and swim correctly, for your own safety.”

“Okay,” she said with very large blue eyes. “I won’t be scared if you’re the one teaching me.”

I patted her back. “It’ll be fun. You’ll see.”

Before we could leave there was another round of hugs. The Marquettes said goodbye, and I headed back home to Alton.


November rolled along, the leaves all fell from the trees, and Brynn’s gardens went dormant for the coming winter. My arm healed quickly, and I threw myself back into my job. The team looks great this year, and I think they have a real shot at the GAC title. Tim and I are great, he has basically moved in with me in my basement apartment, and we’re happier than ever before.

My parents, Forest and Athena, decided to stay in Alton until after the holiday. They were planning on coming up for Thanksgiving week anyway, but with all the excitement from Kenna’s accident and then me...Well, they extended their visit.

I arrived home after practice the day before Thanksgiving to find my mother and father sitting at the kitchen island. The smell of homemade pizza hung in the air, and Kenna and my mother were hip deep in planning a blow-out Thanksgiving meal.

My father, meanwhile, was arguing with Skye over whether or not extra-terrestrials had taught the ancient Egyptians how to build the pyramids. Robbie, Austin’s little boy, sat on my dad’s knee and hung on his every word.

My father had a fan. Robbie was crazy about my dad. The feeling was mutual, and my parents had invited Brynn, Austin and Robbie to come visit them in Florida after the new year.

Austin and Brynn were currently sitting at the kitchen table, going over the plans and her notes on the greenhouse that was being built.

Robbie saw me walk in and gave me a wave.

“Hi Cordy!” he said, using the family nickname. “Did the team swim really fast today?”

I smiled. “They did.”

“We’re going to have the biggest turkey in the world for Thanksgiving!” Robbie grinned. “The turkey is so big, that Brynn put it in the flower cooler in the garage!”

I winked at the boy. “We’ve done that before.”

“Cordelia?” my mother called out. “Will Tim be able to join us for dinner tomorrow?”

“Yes,” I said. “He’s got the day off this year.” I sniffed the air appreciatively. “How long ‘til the pizza is ready?”

Kenna smiled. “Ten minutes.”

My stomach rumbled. “Did you make the dough from scratch?” I teased her. I could smell the yeast; I already knew that she had.

Kenna glared at that. “Of course. Do you think I would use some ready-made crust from the grocery store?”

“Never,” I said, trying to keep a straight face. “I’m going to change. I’ll be right back.”

By the time I had changed into leggings and a comfortable sweater and had gone back upstairs, Tim had arrived. He was currently helping my mother set up plates and napkins, buffet style, on the counter, while Kenna began to slice up the pizzas.

I walked directly over to him and lifted my face for a kiss. “Hello,” I said after he finally lifted his mouth from mine.

Skye nudged us apart with a giant bowl of salad. “You two are blocking the buffet line. Go make out somewhere else.”

“Leave them alone, Skye,” my mother said.

Tim laughed and shook his head. He was well-used to the pandemonium that was my family by now.