“Cordelia.” Tim’s voice was quiet. “I’m so sorry.”
Those last three words had me hesitating. I didn’t turn around, instead I stood there and fought my rising emotions. “What exactly,” I said, as my voice echoed off the walls of the pool area, “are you apologizing for?”
When he didn’t answer immediately, I started again toward the exit.
“Wait!” he said.
I stopped and deigned to glance over my shoulder at him. “Well?” I asked impatiently.
“I’m sorry for everything,” he said. “Sorry for the fight at the aquatic center. With your empathy, that misunderstanding probably caused you a lot of pain—both physical and emotional. It never occurred to me you were trying to block out all the negativity that was being directed toward you. I didn’t realize a lot of things, and Ishouldhave.”
My eyes narrowed. “You’ve been speaking to my sisters.”
“No.” He grimaced. “However, your Grandma Althea did have more than a few words to say to me. At top volume too.”
I hope she burned your ass,I thought. Out loud I said, “I won’t apologize for my grandmother.”
“I’m not asking you to,” he replied. “I’m sorry that I walked away from you, sorry that you didn’t feel that you could trust me enough to reveal the depth—” He tilted his head meaningfully toward the stream of water that still separated us. “—of your abilities and your magick.”
I could sense his remorse and regret from where I stood. Softly, I spoke a request to the element. The water rushed neatly back into the pool, as if it had never been there.
Slowly, Tim moved closer. “Is there somewhere we can talk privately, so I can bring you up to speed on the case?”
Pursing my lips, I considered his request. With my empathy, I knew that his apology had been heartfelt. Taking a moment, I carefully studied him. It was suddenly crystal clear to me that he was every bit as unhappy as I’d been.
“I suppose we can talk,” I finally said.
“Do you have a room here at the hotel?” he asked.
My eyebrows went up. “Don’t get ahead of yourself, Deputy.”
He flushed slightly at my words. “No. That’s not what I mean. I would never presume that...”
I waved that away. “I’m sure we can find a private place to talk.”
“Could we use a banquet room, maybe?” he wondered.
“No.” I shook my head. “The Masquerade Ball is tomorrow. They’ll be setting up today and we need to stay out of their way.”
“I know a place we can go...but totalk only.” I stressed those last two words.
“Of course,” he said, sounding completely sincere. “Lead the way.”
The sun was breaking the tree line as Tim followed me out of the hotel and into the gardens. He walked a few paces behind me, and I could sense that he was scanning the grounds for trouble or for anyone who did not belong there.
I pulled the carriage house keys from my pocket and started up the steps. When I reached the landing, I turned around to see he had hesitated and was waiting at the bottom.
“Come up, Tim,” I said formally.
“I could go get us some breakfast, and we could sit outside on that patio to eat and talk,” he suggested. “If that would make you more comfortable.”
My heart shuddered at the sweetness of his suggestion.Thiswas the kind and thoughtful Tim I’d fallen so hard for. I resisted the urge to smile at him, as we still had quite a bit of things left unsettled between us. “It’s fine,” I said and gestured for him to come up.
With a nod he began to climb the stairs, and I unlocked the door and pushed it open, allowing him to enter first. After shutting the door behind us, I slapped on the light switch and the small living room was filled with light.
“I’ve never been in here before,” Tim said looking around. “I know both Arianna and Angela lived here for a while.”