Page 37 of In Dangerous Water

Swimming to the end of the lane, I hauled myself from the water. I yanked the cap from my hair in annoyance, and it tumbled down as I scowled at the droplet’s sparkling show. Raising up both my hands, I tried again to take control of the elemental magick that was out and gleefully swirling unchecked around the room.

“Element of water, hear my call,” I whispered. “Back to the pool these droplets must fall.”

In response to the formal chant the droplets, as one, rushed immediately back into the pool, falling like an indoor rain shower. The downpour barely missed me, as I stepped back in the nick of time.

“That’s not very nice,” I muttered.

In response the surface of the pool began to roll in playful waves.

“Cut it out,” I said, trying to sound stern. “A hotel guest could walk in here and see.”

A wave rose up and splashed over my legs in retaliation. I laughed at the water’s antics, even as the surface of the pool began to calm and smooth out.

A harshly indrawn breath sounded from behind me. Jolting in surprise, I spun around to find that I was no longer alone.


Tim Emory stood across the room. His hands were tucked into the front of his jeans, and his eyes were too large in his face.

His shocked expression made me swear under my breath. Obviously, he’d seen everything. Slowly the surprise faded away and now he was looking at me hard, as though I were a suspect in a case, instead of his lover...

Former lover, I reminded myself.

Tim’s eyes cut to the pool and then sharply back to me. “What was that?” he asked, his voice sounding more than a little strained.

Squaring my shoulders, I answered him. “Water magick.”

“Water magick?” he repeated.

I shrugged. “The water was in a playful mood.”

“Thewaterwas in a mood?” His eyes flared. “What the hell does that mean?”

I went over to my chair and picked up my towel. “It means that my magick is linked to the natural elements—water specifically. I’m a Water Witch, Tim. I made it a point to tell you at the beginning of our relationship.”

“Yeah, you told me that you were a Witch, but I thought it was more a spiritual thing.” He shook his head as if to clear it. “I’veneverseen you do anything like that before.”

I stopped rubbing the towel over my hair and considered him. “That’s because I was careful never to let my elemental magick slip in front of you. I didn’t think you’d be able to handle the scope of it.” As I stood beside the pool, the water within began to churn, and waves splashed angrily over the edges. Turning, Ispoke to it. “Be still.” Instantly it began to smooth out. I checked over my shoulder to gauge his reaction.

“Holy shit,” he whispered, as he stared at the water.

Suddenly feeling exposed in my one-piece, I grabbed my sweatpants and started to put them on.

“My god, did I ever really know you?” he said raggedly. “I had no idea.Noidea that you were capable of this level of power... And to think I was upset that youmighthave worked a spell on me—”

“Are you deliberately trying to be offensive?” I asked him, yanking my waistband up. “Why in the hell are you here?”

“I wasn’t trying to offend you—” He broke off and scrubbed a hand across his face. “Let me start over. I’m here Cordelia, because Austin finally told me where you were.”

“I didn’t think you cared where I was,” I said, flipping the towel over the back of a chair. “You made that crystal clear the last time we spoke.”

He stepped toward me and instantly the water rose in a large wave. In my anger, my magick had it slapping down hard over the pool deck creating a waist-high barrier between the two of us. Tim froze in place, but to his credit he did not flinch away from it.

“That’s close enough,” I warned him. “Tell me why you’re here or get out.”

“Okay, okay.” Tim stayed where he was and held up his hands in a gesture of peace. He took a deep breath before speaking. “There’s been some new developments in the case. We thought that I should—”

“You thought wrong,” I said. “If there’s new information Austin can contact me. There’s absolutely no need for you to be here.” I picked up my jacket and zipped it. “Consider yourduty done, Deputy Emory.” Scooping up the rest of my things, I turned to go.