“Stay out of my head, Grandma Althea.”
“Perhaps if you didn’t emote quite so loudly my dear, I would.”
This was an old argument and wisely I bit my tongue before saying something sarcastic. Then I wondered why I bothered as she was barreling right along...
“Your guilt over the attack is misplaced. Yousavedhim, Cordelia. I heard about how you dove in that pool and managed to get an unconscious man twice your weight out of the water—all by yourself!”
“Actually, it was Eva and her lifeguard skills that resuscitated him—”
“Don’t be so stubborn.” She cut me off.
I sighed.
“Now, I understand the need to isolate yourself after everything that has happened,” she said. “With your gifts you would be feeling very raw after the threats against you, and this unfortunate attack on your friend.”
“Yes,” I said. My throat ached against the need to cry.
“I’ll speak to your sisters and tell them to give you some time and space,” she said firmly.
“Thank you.”
“However, in return I want to knowexactlywhere you are and who you are with.”
“I’m safe,” I said, “and staying with friends.”
“I keep getting pictures in my head of pirates,” my grandmother said. “Like Pirates of the Caribbean, but not nearly as fun or as sexy.”
I half-laughed over that. “I’m in Ames Crossing, Grandma. With Rafe and Arianna Tremaine.”
“That explains the pirates,” she said dryly.
“Is Tim with you?” she asked next. “I’m sure he’s very concerned after yesterday’s events.”
“No, he’s not,” I said, my voice cracking with emotion. “Not here with me, I mean.”
“Hells bells,” she muttered. “I knew somethingelsehad happened. I literally felt your heart breaking yesterday. I’m so sorry.”
Pressing my hand over my mouth, I did my best not to cry.
“I’ll hex him for you,” she said sweetly. “Surely you have a few strands of his hair at your disposal. I did get a new cauldron last week. This would be an excellent opportunity to break it in...”
That made me smile despite myself. “Grandma, behave yourself.”
“What fun would that be?” She demanded and then quickly switched tactics. “Well, let’s keep that hexing option open, in case you change your mind.”
“Okay.” I snuffled and wiped away a few tears that had fallen despite my best efforts.
“I love you,” she said. “Take some time for yourself. Settle your nerves and rebuild your psychic defenses. Please call me when you return to the hill.”
“I might not,” I said, “return to the hill. It would be too dangerous for my sisters if I went back home like nothing had happened.”
“Damn it.” She hissed. “I can’t argue about that, because unfortunately...you’re right. You could move in here with me at Blackthorn Manor. Despite the renovations, and even with Astrid and Orion living here, there are still plenty of rooms.”
“Grandma,” I began, “everyone in Alton knows we’re family. The Witches On The Hill are fairly notorious.”
“My Blackthorn Manor isnoton Golden Hill,” she pointed out.
“No, but you’re right across town on a hill of your very own, and your family’s estate is as well known as ours. Its too big of a risk.”