Catching her hands, I kissed her fingertips.
“Would you like to watch a movie with me, May?”
Her slow smile as she shook her head twisted my insides.
I was lost to May. Whatever she wanted, I would give her. Even if it was the immunity that would see her leaving me.
I wokewith a stretch and a groan. The area between my thighs was sore. Muscle sore. Skin sore. Just sore.
Fingers brushed over my back soothingly, pausing to rub a little deeper whenever I groaned in appreciation. He melted any tension from me with his expert touch.
“Do you hurt?” Hejun asked softly.
“Yep. A little,” I said, rolling toward his bare chest. “How about you? Are you hurting anywhere?”
I kissed his nipple, and his comforting touch faltered.
“A little. My cock aches every time I think of your mouth on me.”
I giggled. Me. The woman who’d lost her reason to laugh when the world fell apart. But, because of Hejun, the incredible man who’d rocked my world throughout the night, I’d found a reason again.
His fingers drifted down to my bare ass, gently kneading it for a moment.
“I think of your mouth often,” he said.
I grinned and tipped my head back to look up at him with a grin.
“Then I should probably help you with that,” I said.
Was my jaw sore from giving so much head? Not really. He never took too long. And the way he reacted when I went down on him always sent a thrill through me.
“On your back,” I said with a slight push.
He immediately obliged.
“What do you like best?” I asked as I moved down his body.
“I like when you look at me,” he said. “So I can watch your eyes.”
“My eyes?” I asked, kissing the tip of his cock.
He made a pained face and placed his hands behind his head so he could better see what I was doing.
“Yes. Your eyes show what you feel. They were filled with sadness when you first spoke to me yesterday. But each time we pleasure each other, that sadness dims further. I see a light in your eyes now. A hunger and a happiness. It makes it difficult to hold back my release, but I crave seeing it.”
He was paying more attention than I’d thought possible, noticing subtle changes in me that I’d barely noticed.
“I like seeing you lose control and knowing I’m the one responsible for it,” I admitted.
Holding his gaze, I slid my mouth over him, wetting his length then taking him deep. His expression alternated between tortured and blissed out. He thrust lightly into my mouth once before catching himself and holding still. Feeling bold, I brushed my fingers between his legs and hefted his balls in my hand.
He started babbling and only lasted another second after that.
I grinned as I swallowed, pretty pleased with myself.