Page 27 of Rebels and Roses

Finn exited the bookstore, leaving Jane with Cooper at the table.

“What happens now?”

Heaving a loud sigh, Cooper shook his head.

“Shit, I don’t know. I could try talking to him, but I doubt I would make any difference. If he doesn’t care about what his family or friends think, he’s not going to care about me. We’re practically strangers.”

“He seems to have a lot of respect for you. He came to you when he thought he was being followed,” Jane pointed out.

“He did, but now I’m thinking he did that because everyone else probably knows that he’s not sober. He needed someone who didn’t know his secret. Me. I wouldn’t ask too many questions.”

“Are you going to kick him out?”

“I’m not going to call it kicking him out,” Cooper replied. “I’m going to let him know that I know what’s going on. I’m going to tell him that I don’t condone drug use of any kind in my home, and that he needs to leave now. No nastiness, just that it’s time. He doesn’t have any real reason to be here. Now if he says that he wants to get help, go back into rehab? That’s a different story all together. I would absolutely help with that. But if he wants to keep putting white powder up his nose? Nope, not going to be party to that.”

Jane couldn’t help but wonder how Tom would react to that conversation. Would he deny everything? Tom didn’t seem to have a worry or care in the world. Was he ready to admit that he had a big problem?

“I won’t have a chance to talk to him until later,” Cooper said. “I’ll meet with the PI, and then talk to Tom. He was sleeping offwhatever he did last night when I left the apartment. I’d like him alert and awake when I talk to him.”

“I don’t envy you.”

“I don’t envy me either. I shouldn’t even have to deal with this. I’ve been divorced for years.”

“At least your ex-wife really didn’t show up. It was only Tom.”

“Thank goodness for small favors. That would have been a disaster.”

What could have happened if Fiona Kemp had shown up in Winslow Heights?

Luckily, the world would never know.


Lincoln Davis was younger than Cooper had expected, possibly mid to late thirties. He radiated a competent air, however, and a huge positive energy that anything was possible.

Even solving a disappearance from a decade ago.

“I don’t want to get your hopes up,” Linc warned. “This isn’t going to be easy. Witnesses die. Memories fade. Evidence - if there is any - gets lost. Cold cases have a terrible track record of being cleared and for good reason.”

“But your firm took the case,” Tate pointed out.

They were all sitting in Finn’s office at the sheriff’s station. Linc, Finn, Cooper, Tate, and Frankie. Sam and Piper couldn’t make it, and Zack was out of town.

“We did, because we believe that we can make a difference here,” Linc replied. “It appears that there are investigative avenues that were not pursued under the previous law enforcement administration.”

“What a polite way to say that the former sheriff was a goddamn idiot,” Frankie said, her tone dripping with disgust. “And I’m sure he was being paid off by our father. He’s going to be a pain in your ass, by the way. He clearly doesn’t want thiscase opened up again. He’ll do whatever it takes to shut it all down - legal or illegal.”

Linc cleared his throat and had what Cooper thought was a smile playing around his lips.

“I’ve already researched your family history, Ms. Winslow. I’m well aware of Joel Winslow.”

“Then you know that he’s a total asshole,” Frankie pressed. “He’ll try and run you out of town on a rail. He’ll try and suppress whatever you find or discredit you. He’s totally ruthless. If he thought it would make this all go away, he’d seduce your wife or have someone else do it.”

“I don’t have a wife, but I appreciate the warning. He wouldn’t be the first person who has tried to interfere in an investigation. He won’t be the last.”

“He has no scruples,” Tate said. “He’ll do anything and everything to get in your way. And he has the money to do it.”

“The firm also has money and connections,” Linc replied smoothly. “I assume that was one of the reasons you hired us.”