Page 59 of Still Her

“PR Kitten,” he says with his voice raised, as if giving me a firm reminder. “It’s what I do.” He’s completely unshaken. “Speaking of that,” he continues, taking a few steps closer to me. “My morning perusal of social media today showed me that you and Jack were quite busy last night.” His eyes roam down my body and back up as he stops just two feet away from me. It takes every ounce of willpower I have inside me to not take any steps back and try to hold my ground.

I seem to need to take in a deep breath to deal with this part. “We weren’t doing anything wrong.” I try to keep my voice steady and firm.

“The band violated our contract. Any appearances the band makes, charitable or otherwise, are to go through me.”

Not for much longer, bucko.

“I hardly think we did anything to make you look bad by doing that.”

“No, you’re right,” he agrees, raising his shoulders, his face taking on a nonchalant air. “And besides,” he continues as his gaze travels down to my boobs, “I’m positive you could convince me to let that slide tonight.”

Oh my God, he’s looking at my body like it’s his own personal playground. If only they’d put a camera on me instead.But, we’re finally getting somewhere with that last comment. Time to pull the reel back a little. I square my shoulders.

“Somehow, I doubt I can convince you to do anything.”

“Oh, don’t sell yourself short. You’ve got assets. And if I’m the judge of character I think I am, you know what to do with them.”

“Doesn’t mean you’ll get to find out,” I try to taunt. His shoulders drop slightly and his expression hardens.

“Like I pointed out before; you’re here.”

“To talk,” I clarify.

He scoffs, but quickly puts an impatient smile on his face. “You need to relax. Let me fix you a drink.” He turns and heads over to the wet bar.

* * *


She’s in. Get up here.

Those first two words cause a twisting sensation in my gut. I pull the car’s door latch immediately and shove it open before climbing out, making it across the musty garage in long strides, heading straight for the elevator, Matt hot on my heels. I hit the floor number for the presidential suite and we make the long ascent in silence. When the car stops, we step off and turn right, heading to the end of the hall to the suite that I know is directly below the one Mayzie is in.

When we approach, I give a heavy knock. We’re let in by a cop in uniform, and as we walk inside, I see that the suite has been turned into a command center of sorts. Morris is sitting on a couch with a laptop on the coffee table in front of him, speakers attached to the sides. He’s holding a set of headphones up to his ear, his eyes are fixed to the polished finish of the table. Two other plain clothes detectives are sitting on the couch opposite him, completely mirroring his position.

“Unplug the headphones,” I order quietly as I approach. Morris glances briefly up at me and then back down at the table top.

“Morris…” I push. He looks up at me again and pins me with a hard stare before he sets the headphones down but doesn’t unplug them.

“Keep recording,” he orders the other two that I presume work beneath him. He rises from the couch and walks straight to me, like he’s on a mission.

“We had a deal, Morris. I’m in here listening with you while this goes down.”

“Our deal was that you’d be in here,” he tries to correct me, his eyebrows turned downward and his voice low.

“Listening,” I remind him through clenched teeth.

“Take a minute andthinkabout why that can’t happen, Krasinski.”

“I need to know she’s okay. Turn the damn speakers on.” We are literally toe-to-toe and facing off.

“Not happening.”

“Then get her out of there,” I growl, as Matt steps closer to my side.

“That’s her call, and she hasn’t said the safe word yet, which, by the way, means she doesn’t feel she’s in immediate danger. Now let us do our damn job and stand down Krasinski,” he rants at me as if we’re in the military.

“For all I know Morris, sheisin danger but you’re not pulling her until you get what you want out of this, so you’re leaving her hanging.” My voice is slowly rising with each word and I glance over to see the other detectives turning up the volume on their headphones to compensate. If I find out he’s putting my wife in danger because of his own fucking personal investment in this…