“Well, we’re out. Now what?” I ask playfully, looking up at Jack at my side as we walk out of the upscale lobby and onto the street.
“I don’t know. We’ve come here for shows and album recordings, but we’ve never really checked it out, have we?” he answers, his breath coming out in a small puff of white vapor. “What would you like to see? There’s the museums, the Empire State Building…” he trails off, letting me know his mind’s track so that I can follow.
“I don’t know. I’m fine just walking. I already feel a little better just getting out,” Even if Jack’s bodyguard, Doug, and Shanearetagging along thirty feet behind us. Ron is always afraid that if any of the guys goes out in public, they’re going to get mobbed by fans.
“That’s good,” he murmurs, leaning in to kiss my temple as we walk. “If we can just get our minds off things for the night, then mission accomplished.” That thought gives me pause. We’re dealing with something shitty, sure. But we’re here. We’re out, enjoying each other’s company. We have a lot to be thankful for, despite this one hurdle. It makes me think of something my mom used to tell Ian and me anytime we were complaining about something not going right in our drama-riddled teenage lives.
“You know, my mom used to say that no matter what’s going wrong in your life, there is always, always,always, someone worse off than you,” I say, looking up at him as we make our way past elaborately decorated store windows and fancy restaurants and bars that have festive white lights lining their entrances.
He sighs and gives a slight nod. “As hard as it is to see outside our own bubble sometimes, I know that’s true.”
“Yeah, I mean, there are so many ways it could be worse. That perspective always seemed to help. Focus on those out there in the world who have worse things going on and try to send them some good vibes, you know?” I look back up at him and see his eyebrows draw together, his eyes looking pensive. “Baby?” I ask, trying to get him to let me in on his thoughts.
“I just thought of something,” he says as he pulls us over to one of the enchanting store window displays that looks like a winter wonderland on the inside, with decorative frost on the edges of the glass, a mirror lying flat to look like a skating pond, and glittery white pretend snow. It’s all lit up with white fairy lights and depicts adorable arctic animals having outdoor winter fun. It’s so adorable I want to scream. But I also want to know what Jack is thinking, so I tear my eyes away from the penguins and seals wearing woolen hats and scarves to look up at him, giving him my attention.
“What did you think of?” I ask, patiently.
“What we could do tonight,” he answers assuredly. He looks around for Doug and Shane and waves them over. “Can one of you call the car?” he asks. Shane nods, pulls out his cell and taps the screen before bringing it to his ear.
“Would you tell me what you thought of already? What’s your idea?” I ask, my voice a cross between excitement and irritation.
“I’m thinking we could put out those good vibes in person.” He looks back up at me. “How about the children’s hospital? Want to go visit some kids?” He gives my hand a squeeze.
I gasp, an incredibly exhilarating feeling blossoming in my chest at the idea, and I feel my cheeks stretch with a smile I didn’t even know had come over my face. “I love that idea!” I say, nodding vigorously.
“Yeah.” I nod again. It’s perfect. I love the thought of taking all of this stress we’ve been carrying around and putting it into something positive.
“Let’s do it.” Jack answers, smiling at my smile. He takes out his phone and pulls up his contacts. “We should probably see if the other guys are interested. Doesn’t feel like something we should leave them out of.”
“Absolutely,” I agree, letting my excitement race through my veins, cleansing and replacing all the negative energy that the douche-wonder has been causing. Once Jack has sent out a group text, the SUV pulls up and we climb in.
It’s not toolate in the evening when we arrive at St. Michaels Children’s Hospital in the heart of the city and stroll up to the desk, bodyguards still in tow but hanging back. A woman who appears to be not much older than us sits behind it, her eyes fixed on her computer screen and her phone cradled between her shoulder and ear. She’s in a purple scrub shirt that is adorned with baby zoo animals, and I see her eyes shift slightly, casting us a quick glance. She gives a quick nod and tries to wrap up her phone call.
“Uh huh, you’re welcome. You too.” She hangs up and looks up to give us her full attention. “How can I help- OH!” she jumps, and so do I, her reaction startling me, but I keep a nervous, ‘we come in peace’ smile on my face as she composes herself. Or tries to. She’s fanning herself with both hands as she exclaims, “Oh my God… you’re the guy from Turn it Up.”
Jack smiles shyly and gives a subtle nod as his right dimple makes an appearance. “Hi, I’m Jack Krasinski. This is my wife, Mayzie.” He tilts his head towards me and puts a hand on my back.
Her head swivels to me. “Oh my God…” she goes again. “I love Next Top Dancer! You’re the best, Mayzie. I wish you’d go on there more often, the best routines are always choreographed by you!”
I feel my cheeks plume with a blush, and I smile at her compliment. “Aww, thank you so much.” She continues to nod, nervously.
“Whooo…” she looks between the both of us and shakes out her hands one last time. “Okay. Sorry. I’m cool. What can I do for you guys?” She asks, trying her best to school her expression to one of a professional.
“Thought we’d come by and see if we can cheer up any kids,” Jack supplies, leaning casually against the counter in front of her desk.
“And parents,” I offer, lifting a shoulder.
“Okay, I haven’t heard anything about you guys coming in today…” she moves a chart out of the way and scans her desk calendar with the end of her pen. “Who did your agent talk to when they set up the visit?” She glances back up.
“Oh,” Jack responds caught off guard by the mention of the subject we’re trying to avoid tonight. “We aren’t on the calendar or anything. This was totally spur of the moment. Is that okay or…?” he trails off, wondering what the protocol is.
“Oh, it’s fine! That’s awesome, actually, that you two thought of us like that. Okay, let me think of the floors you could visit…”