“Do you need some time to think it over? That’s fine. You’ve got about a week and a half before you’re going to be there anyway.” There are a few more shows up the coast, and then Thanksgiving before the guys pick the tour back up in NYC. “And I won’t have anything for the guys while you’re mulling it over, so… plenty of time to think.” There he goes. Saying one thing, but implying something else. “I’ll be in touch again soon,” he concludes ominously, before I hear a click and the call disconnects.
An enormous breath blows out of me. “Uggghhh!” I grunt out in disgust as Jack and I both jump to our feet. We’re both pacing back and forth as the dogs watch curiously from their snoozing places on the couch. I’m shaking my hands out at my sides like I’m trying to rid my body of thousands of little Eli-insects, and Jack alternates between resting his hands on his hips and punching one fist into the palm of the other.
“That fucking asshole! Piece ofshit!” he growls out as he continues to pace. He blows out a frustrated breath. “I will fucking kill him…” he says, stopping mid-stride and shaking his head. “Son of abitch!” He starts pacing again as I stop.
“Jack, your voice,” It’s still gravelly and husky.
“Baby…” he starts as he gives me a warning look that says to not even think about asking him to calm down right now.
I toss his warning glare right back at him. “Don’t let Eli be the reason you can’t sing tomorrow night.”
He drops his head back to look at the ceiling and lets out a long, exasperated sigh. The effects of my time in the tub are long gone. I’m stiff with tension and breaking out into goosebumps, my still-wet hair dripping on my skin. I push it out of my face with both hands and clasp them behind my neck as I close my eyes, trying to find my calm.
Jack looks over at me and his eyes soften before he takes a more clarifying breath. “I’m sorry. Sweetheart, are you okay?”
I close my eyes again and shake my head. “Uh, yeah,” I blow out a breath of my own. “I’m some weird combo of freaked out and pissed off.”
He walks over and takes my hand in one of his while holding my chin with the other, looking down at me with admiration. “You did great, my love.” He’s returned his voice to a whisper.
A scoff comes out on a breath as I sheepishly close my eyes. “I just sat there.”
“Which was the right thing to do at that moment,” Jack says, still whispering, possibly just to appease me. “And before that, you weren’t taking his shit. That’s my girl, I’m proud of you.”
“Yeah well…youwere there,” I return coyly, giving him a one shoulder shrug. If I was brave it was because he was right there, making me feel safe. Just like always.
“Which is where I’m going to be throughout this whole thing. Right by your side.” He raises my hand and presses a kiss to the tattoo on the inside of my wrist that matches his. It’s like the elegantly lopsided heart begins to glow with warmth from him doing so. And there’s my calm.
He turns to grab his cell phone off the bed, taps the screen and puts it to his ear.
“Ron,” he starts, speaking carefully in his normal voice. “The asshole just called Mayzie, can you get up here? Thanks.” He then whips his phone back on the bed in frustration, like the mere mention of the asshole in question stoked his flames again. But he resumes whispering and looking at me lovingly when he says, “You should get dressed, baby. Ron’s on his way up.”
* * *
“That’s a burner phone,” Detective Morris says from the speaker of my phone that sits on the coffee table.
Ron is sitting in a chair kitty-corner to the couch Maze and I are on. She’s curled up in the corner in her yoga pants and black hoodie. Her hair is still damp, and she has Penny half lying in her lap like a security blanket. When Ron got up to our room, we filled him in and then we immediately called Morris and did the same. He asked for the number Eli called from and was immediately able to see that he covers his bases.
I keep reliving the whole conversation. Mayzie was incredible, not that I expected anything less. I’ll still do everything in my power to keep her out of that sting, but I’m beginning to see what Matt was talking about with her. Eli ambushed her again, but this time, she armored up quick. She quickly adapted to her situation, using what she’s learned about the dipshit.
“Not only did he escape all those previous charges, he learned from them too,” Morris adds. “I know you guys haven’t decided what to do yet, but he pretty much just gave you one hell of an opportunity to catch him in New York. He’s pursuing an encounter, most likely a private one. It’ll be in NYPD’s jurisdiction, and even if it’s not my district, I have a lot of ties and can get privileges to work with the corresponding Intelligence Unit.”
“No,we haven’t decided, and I still think you should find an undercover female cop to do this,” I rasp sternly around the God-awful lozenge in my mouth.
“You heard that conversation: he’s not interested in anyone but Mayzie right now.” I grip my hands together in front of me. “I’m sorry Jack, but it is what it is. He’s obviously honed in on her. Sometimes Eli just plays and sometimes he plays a game. He’s playing a game at the moment. He doesn’t want someone easy to lure him. He’s in the mood to win a conquest.” And I’m seriously in the mood to snap his neck right now.
I look over at Mayzie. She’s still curled up in the corner of the couch, leaning her face on her hand. She says nothing, just closes her eyes and lets out a breath through her nose. She’s tired, and like me, doesn’t know what the hell to do. The idea of catching Eli by her getting proof is no more appealing to either of us than it was on day one. However, throwing a bunch of our money at him, and God knows how much he’d take us for, just to get away from him, is sounding less so by the minute.
After we wrap up the phone call with Morris, Ron leans back in his chair and rubs a hand over his eyes. “Damn, this son of a bitch is pissing me off.” He straightens up, leaning his elbows on his knees. “Listen, when you’re out in public, keep up appearances. He’s obviously watching, so…”
“Don’t let on that anything is wrong,” Mayzie quietly finishes for him as she stares into space.
“That’s right,” he says, blowing out a breath before standing. “You,” he turns to me. “While a singer is allowed to lose their voice and sing a less than stellar show once in a while, I don’t want to give the asshole any reason to call me and get a look at our cards. No more using your voice for the rest of the night. I want you back in commission for tomorrow night’s show.”
“Ron, come on…” I start to protest, and he holds his hand up.
“Shut your mouth. This is how we lay low. Business as usual. And you,” he turns to Mayzie and she glances up at him. “Good job tonight. Keep hanging tough.” With those parting words, he saunters out of the room, the door closing loudly behind him. If that was a New Kids reference, he’s getting his boxers frozen while he sleeps tonight.