Josh and I head in the direction of the restrooms. Eli turns his head and homes in on me as we are about to pass him, and then steps away from the people he’s entertaining.
“Jack, everything alright?” His brows are drawn together in question.
“Fine. Just looking for Mayzie.”
“What, is she missing?” He asks, looking concerned as he glances around the ballroom in confusion.
“Probably just stuck in line for the restroom,” I downplay, shaking my head.
“You good? Do you want help looking?” His eyebrows are raised in question.
“Nah, we’re good. Thanks,” I say, moving forward again before he responds. I don’t want him looking for Mayzie.
Josh and I make it to the restroom lounge and take a quick perusal of the area and walk back out of the door.
“Mayzie goes nuts in lines. I bet she went to look for one somewhere else in the hotel,” I supply once we’re outside the lounge.
Josh shrugs. “I’ll check the floor below, you could take the one above?”
I nod in agreement. “Sounds good. Got your cell?”
“Yeah. I’ll see you in a few minutes.” He presses the down button for the elevator and gets on while I wait for the one going up.
Josh and Mayzie got off to a rough start. Things were repaired very quickly and they have been good ever since, but still, it makes me feel an extra ounce of appreciation for what he’s doing right now.
I check my watch as I step onto the elevator. We’ve been looking for her for ten minutes already, leading me to believe she’s been gone for close to half an hour. I try to reason with myself that she probably stopped at the bar or something and got chatty with someone, as she’s been known to do. Even so, I ride upstairs, hoping I’ll find my wife.
* * *
I’m still shaking as I sit on the couch, gripping its cream fabric on either side of me. My breath is still coming in shallow, and I’m still feeling rattled, which is why I jump and let out a yelp when someone jerks on the locked door. The action is repeated by someone thumping on it. My heartrate, which was merely tapering down begins to pick up again as I fear Eli might be on the other side of that door.
“Who is it?” I call out in a trembling voice. I have a horrible habit of calling out to see who’s suspiciously banging on a door that I’m behind. I would never survive a horror flick.
“Mayzie?” It sounds like Josh.
“Josh?” I call back.
“Yeah, it’s me. Are you okay in there?”
I jump up and scramble to the door, fumbling with the lock before I get it turned and wrench it open.
Josh gets one look at my face and his hands go to my elbows.
“Mayzie, Jack’s looking for you everywhere. Did something happen?”
My panicky nod is my response as I automatically grip onto his forearms to steady myself. “Where is he?”
“I’ll get him,” he holds onto one of my arms and reaches into his inside jacket pocket for his cell. He holds it up to his ear. “Jack, I’m with her. Eleventh floor. Get down here, something happened.”
I don’t think sixty seconds go by before Jack is in the doorway and pushing past Josh.
“Mayzie… Jesus,” he exclaims, gently putting his hands on my shoulders as he studies my face that has probably lost all color, and my body that is shaking like a leaf. His eyes are wide and a shade lighter than his usual midnight as he searches my face. “Baby, baby what happened?”
I grab on to him, grappling, trying to get my arms around his neck. He leans down and throws both of his around my back, clutching me close. “Baby, talk to me,” he croons gently with his face in my neck. I try to speak but a sob comes out of my throat instead, and I feel my face crumple as tears sting the backs of my eyes. I’m not one to give into my emotions, well, my negative ones, but after Eli scaring the shit out of me, followed by the overwhelming relief of being wrapped up safely in my husband’s arms, I crack. The emotion flooding through me is too much not to. I start crying on his shoulder. Jack stops asking what happened and instead lets me freak out. “You’re with me baby, you’re safe. I’ve got you.”
Josh is standing by the door but I have no idea what kind of facial expression he’s wearing. When I finally get a grip, I choke out just a few words so that I don’t leave these two hanging.