Page 33 of Until We Fall

Where is that? It’s not IFU. I’ve enjoyed my years there, but it’s never been home the same way that California is.

Or California was? Will be again?

But Rory won’t be there.

My chest tightens. I squint toward the sun, a few feet above the horizon.

I don’t want to think about these big life questions today. I just want to enjoy this time.

“I, uh…” I rub my hand across the back of my neck and come away with a palm layered in sand. “I’m gonna run back to take a shower. Do you want to come with?”

His eyes widen. “Um…”

Ohhh shit. “I didn’t mean…” I lick my lips. “Just a shower. Separate or together or…”

Fuck, I don’t want to pressure him.

He toys with the edge of his reader. “I’m good for now.”

I wink, trying to put him at ease. “Then I’ll be back soon.”

A slip of a smile crosses his face. “Okay.”

I push up, brush sand off the ass of my board shorts, and then reach down for my backpack. I sling it over my shoulders.

Can I… kiss him?

Carter and Theo are off elsewhere. The beach is crowded, as usual for spring break, but there’s no one we know.

He’s looking up at me, squinting from the sun, and I don’t want him to think I don’twantto kiss him. Because I really fucking do.

I brush sand off my chest. “Can I kiss you?”

He straightens. “Here?”


He glances around. “In front of everyone?”


He looks back at me then sucks in a sharp breath, expanding his chest under his tee. “Okay.”

He’s nervous.

I am too.

But I crouch, and he tips up. My heart pounds as my lips find his, lightly at first, then deeper as he cups my jaw and tugs me closer. We kiss slowly, his lips soft and warm from the sun. I drop to my knees, sprinkling sand on his towel, but he doesn’t seem to mind, pulling me halfway over him, a sweet whimper coming out of his mouth.

I don’t want to stop kissing him.

We get a few catcalls, and I smile against his lips. “See,” I whisper when he finally pulls back, “they think you’re hot, too.”

I give him another wink when I stand, grinning as I adjust myself and then turn to go, not even caring how drastically I’m tenting my board shorts. People are just going to think I’m a lucky as fuck bastard, getting to kiss the hottest guy on the beach, and they’d be right.

I’m still thinking about that kiss as I step up on the boardwalk and unzip the side pocket on my backpack. I slip out my phone because I haven’t checked it all day.

The family chat is full of chatter, a couple of responses to pictures I sent earlier, but something else seems to be happening too.