Michael glanced at me for a moment before frowning. "I feel bad. I told him that he was just going to screw everything up."

I was about to ask when, and then I remembered the day I knew something was off.

"Maybe he isn't that bad," Michael said, sighing. He closed the album and gave it to me. "Do you think he will want to come here sometime?"

"I think he would love that," I said, smiling at him.

Michael nodded before turning and stepping out of my room. I sighed, looking at everything, feeling a little relieved.

After putting everything away, I sat on the couch and stared at my phone. I dialed Miles's number and called.

It only rang a few times before he answered. "Miss me that much already?"

I smirked, rolling my eyes. "I was just checking to make sure you got home. That is all, don't get cocky."

He chuckled. "I'm home. Little sore, little burned, but I'm home."

I leaned back against the cushions. "You're supposed to take it easy the next couple of weeks."

"I know, and I will be."

I looked towards Michael's bedroom and softly smiled. "Well, when you start to feel better, would you like to come have dinner sometime? Michael was wondering."

Miles was silent for a moment before I could hear his voice lightening. "I would love to."

I smiled, reaching my hand up to the locket. I had finally put it back on. "Good. I'll talk to you later."

Chapter 26 - Miles

I felt stiff as I stood in front of the house, trying to adjust the sling my arm was in. I was nervous, to say the least. I never expected an invite over, much less dinner and a movie.

But this was good. If they were inviting me over, it meant that Michael was okay with it, which was one step forward.

I swallowed as I knocked, fearing Laura would open the door and send me away. But the door opened, and Laura smiled at me. It quickly fell when her eyes landed on my sling. "Oh no, you're wearing that again?"

I nodded. "I might have ripped a ligament as well."

She scowled, pulling the door further out. "How is the burn doing? Are you healing up pretty well? The girls said you guys heal quicker than humans do."

"We do, but this was a pretty severe burn, so I'm healing a little slower." I stepped inside, taking the space in. I'd been inside before, but nothing like this. I'd never been invited to stay a while.

I then could smell food, and my stomach grumbled. Laura smirked as she shut the door. "Hungry?"

"Well, I haven't exactly gotten to do a lot of cooking with my arm like this. The girls have been nice enough to drop off a casserole or a pan of food, but I've been eating a lot of hot pockets."

She made a face. "That's not exactly a balanced diet."

"You try cooking with one arm," I countered, giving her a smirk.

She rolled her eyes. "You could have told me. I would have been more than happy to swing by."

I smirked. "Swing by with food or for other reasons?"

Her face went a deep shade of red as she looked at me. I chuckled. "I'm joking. I know that you're busy with Michael." I then scanned the room. "And where is he?"

"Outside. He is picking flowers for my vase in the kitchen."

"You're getting rather fancy for me," I said, sliding my shoes off.