The car remained quiet for a second before he spoke. "Why?"

I shrugged. "Because everyone deserves to have a dad. They do everything a mom can't." My mind traveled back to allhis shifting signs. If Miles had been around, I would have known he was a shifter a lot sooner than I had. I'd spent endless nights worried about his health and concerned I was doing something wrong.

"There are things he is going to understand better than I will," I stated.

"You've always done everything. I don't need a dad when I have you."

I felt a twist in my heart. I looked back up at him in the mirror. "And what if I can't do everything anymore?"

Michael looked away, not seeming to have an answer for me.

We parked at the house, and Michael quickly hurried out of the car. I grabbed my purse, hurrying after him.

"Michael, I want to talk with you about this more."

"I don't," he said, heading up the stairs.

I crossed my arms. "Michael! If you go up those steps, you are grounded."

He paused and turned back to me. But as soon as I saw his expression, my anger faded. I could see confusion and anger simmering in his eyes.

His hands curled into fists. "You always told me if I have nothing to say, I shouldn't say anything at all."

I took a couple of steps towards him. "Yes, but not with me. I need you to speak with me even if you're mad."

He crossed his arms. "I'd rather be grounded than speak with you right now." With that, he turned and stormed up his steps. I heard the door slam, and tears built up.

I took a deep breath through my nose, and I could feel the tears breaking free. I quickly wiped at them, hating myself.

All I could wonder was how I landed here, how we got into this mess, and how I wanted to give Michael a better life. I’d made a mess of everything.

I looked towards the stairs and was tempted to go upstairs and try talking to him again, but I felt it was wrong. It was clear Michael needed space to think and process his emotions. I just threw this at him without any warning.

I then grew angry about everything—angry that Miles ended things and angry that I never told him. I was furious that Michael was acting out and outraged that Miles had yelled at me. But as quickly as the anger set in, it slipped out, and the hurt settled back in.

I thought of Mile’s words and how his folks would never accept him. I suddenly realized why he behaved as he did, why we never took trips to see his family, and why he never spoke of them. I realized why he never shared stories or invited me to go see his family.

I scowled, angry at myself that I jipped him of so much. I took time away from him with Michael, and he would never get it back. Tears fell more, and I tried wiping them away.

It was easier to hate him when I thought he was an asshole, but it was hard when I knew that maybe that wasn’t entirely what happened.

I thought back to our breakup, and when I looked back at him, I had thought he looked heartless, but now that I thought about it, maybe I mistook the look when he was feeling hurt.

Chapter 20 - Miles

I drummed my fingers on the counter, staring at the stairs. My mind was a mess after yesterday. I had sat all day going over the words, and it was like someone had stuck a knife into my heart and was twisting it up.

"Are you listening?" Cayden asked, waving his hand in front of me. It broke my stare, and I scowled, looking at him.

"What?" I snapped.

Cayden's eyebrows rose, and even Lucas looked a little shocked, sitting beside him. "Someone's a little short-fused today."

"Shut up, Lucas." I snapped at him, taking a deep breath in through my nose.

"Hey," Owen turned from his seat. "Let's not fight. It's too fucking early for any bullshit."

I looked back at the stairs, my fingers continuing their drumming. My mind was waiting for her to come up the stairs.