Laura placed her hands on her knees. "Michael, Miles is your dad."

Michael looked at me and frowned. He quickly looked back at Laura. "Like you're dating and want to marry?"

She shook her head. "No. Like…. Poppy's dad is Ayden. And Ivy's dad is Owen. Our neighbor, Harry, has a dad named Dyan."

Michael shook his head, ripping his hands from Laura's. "No, he's not my dad."

I felt that twist in my stomach, and Michael stepped back, shaking his head. I could see anger cross his face. "I don't have a dad."

"Michael, don't get angry," she said, pulling herself up. "Let me explain."

"Why did you abandon us!?" Michael suddenly yelled, looking at me. "You were never around. So, why did you leave?"

My eyebrows went up, and I looked at Laura. "You told him I abandoned you guys?"

"No," she said, shaking her head quickly. "I never said that." Her face was beat red now. "I did not say that to him."

"Then where would he get the idea?" I asked, angry now.

"Don't talk to my mom that way," Michael snapped, stepping in front of Laura. Laura quickly tried to grab him, but Michael resisted, pulling against her.

"Michael, that's enough. You don't speak like that," she said with a little bite behind her words.

"You left us," Michael yelled. "You aren't my dad, and you'll never be my dad."

"Michael, enough." Laura grabbed his arm, pulling him back. "We don't talk like that." She looked at me. "I never told him that you abandoned us."

"I did not leave you," I growled, curling my hands into fists. "Where else would he get the idea?"

"Because he’s young," she snapped back. "Michael, apologize," Laura said, but he shook his head. Instead of apologizing, he turned, running down the sidewalk. Laura looked at me and scowled.

"I can't believe you told him I left you guys."

"I didn't," she snapped back quickly. "I never told him anything about you."

"Then what did you tell him clearly? He got it somewhere."

Laura pulled a hand up, shaking her head. "I'm not going to argue with you about this."

"Sure, run away. You're good at that."

She narrowed her eyes. "No, Miles, that's you. I never ran. I stood my ground while you tucked your tail and left."

I felt like she'd stabbed me in the chest. Instead of feeling anger, I felt sudden regret. My stomach twisted up violently, and I stood there frozen.

Laura turned, storming off after Michael, leaving me behind.

Chapter 19 - Laura

I caught up to Michael by the park, panting out of breath. I grabbed one of the benches, and Michael sat on a swing. He was rubbing his shoes in the sand, his eyes glued to the ground.

I took a couple of deep breaths before pulling myself together and starting towards the swing.

"Michael, you do not run off like that," I said, making sure my voice came out with authority.

He looked up at me, and I could see his mind twirling around with questions.

I took a few more steps towards him. "Michael, talk to me. Tell me, what's going through your mind?"