I didn't know the location, and as I pulled out onto a main road, I could see smoke. My stomach twisted up, and I did not know what was happening. I didn't know how serious this was.
I knew I was speeding as I hurried along the road, taking every turn that avoided a main light. My heart was in my ears as I turned the last corner, taking in the scene.
The building was three stories high. There was smoke coming out of three windows on the top floor. I could see the fire behind the glass, and my heart stopped beating.
The street and yard were packed with people, a couple of people pushing to get forward. Police cars filled the street, and policemen tried to direct everyone. The fire truck was parked on the curb, and the guys were already in action.
I parked, not even sure if I was in a spot or not. I hurried across the yard when a policeman stepped in my way.
"Ma'am, this is unsafe, please stay back."
"I'm with them," I snapped, pointing towards the guys.
I knew I was told to stay and watch the fire station, but how could I? How could I stay back, knowing they were here in this?
"Ma'am.." The police officer tried to get me to take another step back. But then I heard Ayden.
"Let her through, Charlie."
I moved, running past the office towards Ayden and Weslie. Ayden glared at me. "I'm pretty sure you were supposed to stay back."
"And you can reprimand me later," I said. "Let me help."
Ayden shook his head when I heard his helmet speaker go off. "We found a boy. Miles is coming out. Owen and I are going further up."
My heart clenched, and I was sure it was on my face. Ayden turned to me. "Laura, we don't have time to take care of you. If you can't handle this, you need to leave. Understood?"
I understood. This was not the place to panic. I nodded and quickly shook my head, clearing my mind.
"I'm good," I said. "What can I do?"
"Just stay out of the way, and if the guys ask for something, you do it."
Ayden turned back to Weslie. "Hoses. And get the ladder up."
They moved away, leaving me standing by myself. I watched as they extended a ladder up, Lucas climbing up it. Weslie and Ayden were unraveling the hose as Thomas climbed the ladder.
Just then, screams erupted, and my eyes snapped towards the noise. An officer pulled back a mother as Miles hurried out of the building with the boy in his arms.
My eyes froze on the boy, seeing it was probably the same size as Michael.
Miles ripped off his helmet, which was on the boy's head. His eyes looked at me for a moment. I could see the shock that I was here, but it was quickly removed.
"Grab me an oxygen tank," he yelled as he placed the kid down, staring compressions on him.
I moved, climbed into the truck, and grabbed the first tank. I pulled it out, struggling, not realizing how heavy they were.
Miles turned it on, pulling the mask around the boy's mouth. He bent down, pressing an ear to the boy's chest. I felt like our space grew quiet as he waited.
I said a soft prayer that he was okay.
Mies nodded and leaned back. He exhaled and looked at me. "Grab another tank."
I nodded, jumping back into the truck and pulling another out. "Who is this for?" I asked as I handed him the tank and the mask.
He pulled the mask up to his mouth and took a long breath in. I suddenly panicked.
"Are you okay?"