I swallowed, suddenly hearing the words I had wanted nine months ago. I should have been angry they took so long, but I wasn't. I was just happy that we could move forward.

"Thank you."

My mother took a step forward. "We’ve been doing good….it’s been hard, but I’m okay. My treatment is going well.”

I had many questions to ask her, but I was too tired to. I was just happy they were here.

“I wish I was here for the birth..." she added.

"I do, too..."

My mother's face softened, and I could see tears building up. "Can we see the baby?"

I nodded. "Yeah, we had a girl."

My mother walked over and looked down at her. "What did you guys decide to name her?"

"We haven't decided," I said, glancing at Owen. "We were between Ivy and Fiona."

"Both are beautiful," my mother said.

I looked down at our baby and softly smiled. "This is Ivy," I said, loving how it rolled off my tongue.

I looked at Owen, knowing that this was only a small step towards the future, but I was grateful for it.
