"I don't mean to stare," I said. "I just...you look so peaceful with her."

"She's my world," Wendy said, running her hands over her daughter's locks. "And I'd kill anyone who hurt her."

I chuckled, seeing it. Ayden wasn't someone I would mess with, but Wendy had that look to her that if you pissed her off enough, you should probably run.

I looked down at my stomach. "You know, I worry I won't be a good mother."

Wendy's hand reached out, placing her hand on mine. "You will be a wonderful mother. Everyone worries they are going to be terrible until they do it."

"I wasn't exactly raised by sweet, loving parents," I state, feeling tears build up. I quickly wiped at them, hating how emotional I was suddenly feeling.

"That doesn't matter. Nothing will matter when she is in your arms."

I exhaled and glanced over at Owen.

"You really are in love, aren't you?"

I raised an eyebrow at her as I looked at her.

"I'm not saying it's a bad thing," Wendy quickly added. "It's just nice to see. I've known Owen a long time, and I always wanted him to be happy, and I can see you make him happy."

The compliment was nice, and I looked back at him. All the guys were standing by the grill, talking with Ayden as he grilled. I couldn't hear them, but they were laughing.

I couldn't thank Ayden enough for all he'd done for me. He took care of Logan—well, for the most part. I didn't really know what was happening, and I was too afraid to ask. I wanted to focus on healing rather than fear.

Owen promised he was going to take care of everything and that if anything serious came up, he would tell me. So, I didn't worry. Or at least I tried not to.

"Did you guys ever find out the sex of the baby?" Wendy asked, handing her daughter another cracker.

I shook my head, rubbing my thumb over my belly button. We hadn't. We wanted to be surprised, and I couldn't wait. Every kick, every movement, and every flutter made me eager.

"We decided not to know. We want it to be a surprise."

Wendy looked at her daughter and scowled. "Shoot, I'm out of crackers."

"I can get some," I said, pushing myself up. Just then, a wetness ran down my leg, and we both glanced down. My eyes widened, and Wendy jumped up.

"Oh my god! Your water just broke."

Panic set in, and we both looked over. Wendy started waving her hands. "Her water broke! Owen!"

All the guys turned, looking at us. I slowly tried to step around the table, and Owen's eyes widened on me. He set his drink down, moving across the lawn towards me.

"Did your water break?"

I nodded, knowing the contractions would be next. I'd read about them in all the baby books, and Wendy told me everything I needed to know.

Owen grabbed my hand, placing his other on my back. "You okay?"

I nodded, taking a deep breath and nodding my head. "I'm okay. But we should probably get moving."

Owen and I headed towards his truck when all the guys were suddenly yelling and talking, offering to drive and asking what they could do. I couldn't help but smile, feeling like I had that loving family I'd always wanted.

Owen took my hand as he drove, and I took deep breaths. The contractions didn't even start until we got to the hospital.

The nurse hooked the IV up and softly smiled at me. I didn't remember her name as she spoke softly. "All right, everything is good. The doctor will be in to see you in just a few minutes. Try and relax while you can."

I thanked her and looked over at Owen, who was pacing back and forth in front of my bed. I couldn't help but feel comforted to know he was worried about me.