The window on the passenger side rolled down, and instead of yelling, my entire body tensed up. My father was pale, looking like he was terrified, and it scared me.

"Ashley…" he whispered my name, almost like he couldn't catch his breath.

I moved closer to the vehicle, bending down to see him better. "What's wrong?" I asked.

"I need you to come with me," he said, swallowing nervously now.

I shook my head. "I can't. I have things to do… what's wrong? What's going on? What do you look like that? Are you okay?"

"Ashley, please get in the car. I will tell you on the way."

A shiver ran down my spine. I shouldn't. I knew I shouldn't get in the vehicle. He'd lied, and my father ruined my best relationship, but what if something was wrong? What if he was hurt or something was wrong with my mother?

Out of my parents, I had a better relationship with my father, and the thought of losing him scared me to death. So, I grabbed the handle and pulled the door open. I crawled into theseat and buckled myself up. But as I did, I heard the door lock click, and I quickly looked at it.

I looked back at my father, and he frowned. He wouldn't look at me now, and my stomach plummeted.

"I'm sorry," he whispered. "I really am, sweetie."

"What are you doing?" I asked as he pulled the vehicle forward.

"I don't have a choice," he said in a broken voice.

"You do! Where are you taking me?" I asked, quickly patting my pants for my phone. I then realized I didn't have it. I'd stormed out of the apartment and left it behind.

My stomach stirred as I realized Owen wouldn't know where I went. He wouldn't even know I'd disappeared.

I gripped the seat, suddenly afraid. I glanced at my father, who didn't even look like himself.

I just needed to remain calm. Owen would realize that I was gone, wouldn't he? Unless he thought I didn't want him to come looking for me.

I frowned, hating that I'd screamed at him. I suddenly wished I'd let him stop me. I wished I'd let him talk instead of running away.

The surrounding area quickly changed as we pulled off the main road and went down another street. We were driving on the way to leave town, and he pulled into a large open piece of land.

I swallowed, taking in the empty space.

"Why are we here?" I asked, looking around.

"He's coming."

"Who?" I asked, looking at him.

My father remained silent, and I scowled. "You lied."

"I didn't have a choice."

"No," I snapped. "You lied before that you didn't know why Owen ended things with me."

His head snapped toward me. "What?"

"I know. He told me you threatened him. He told me he faked everything because you told him you would move us.."

My father swallowed. "I did what I had to."

My mouth just dropped slightly, and I hated how thrown I was. This was normally how my mother spoke, not him. My father normally had more love in words.

"How? How could you ruin something like that? Owen loved me."