"We can leave the cabin. You can go back to a semi-normal life. I don't know how your folks are going to feel, considering Ayden told Logan he can't marry you."

"He what?" That shocked me a little bit.

"Well, I don't think you guys need me for this," Miles added, heading for the door. He patted Owen on the shoulder. "I'll see you back at the station. Nice hanging with you, Ashley."

Miles stepped out, the door shut, dropping the room in silence for a second.

"We can leave," Owen said. "We can head back into town, and you can return to a normal life. You don't have to worry about being married off because Ayden won’t allow it. But Idoubt that will stop your folks from trying to marry you to someone else. They still have a money problem."

The thought of going back made me excited, but I felt sick at the same time. I couldn't return home. My folks wouldn't allow it. They made that very clear before all of this, and I'm sure they were even more pissed than they were before.

The only way they could allow me back home was if I offered them something in return, and I wasn't going to. Which pretty much made me homeless.

I felt my shoulders sink, and I chewed on my cheek. Where was I going to go?

Owen watched me for a second before he took a few steps closer, stopping across the island. "What's wrong? I thought you would be excited about this. You've been wanting to leave since the second we got here."

"I am," I said. "But…I can't go back home. I have nothing. I don't have any money to get my own place. And my folks won’t allow me back in their house after this."

"You can stay with me," he offered.

"No," I said, shaking my head. "I can't do that."

"Why not? We've been living together this entire time just fine."

"We weren't living together," I quickly added. "You forced this upon me, remember."

He smirked. "And you could have left if you wanted to. You didn't, so therefore, we've been living together."

I snapped my mouth shut because he had me there. I could have.

"Besides, this isn't over. Just because you are protected doesn't mean this is done. I would still like to keep you close in case Logan tries anything, and knowing him, he might."

I frowned. "I thought you said it went well. That doesn't sound like it did."

"It did, but Logan…" Owen frowned, his jaw clenching. "He's dangerous, and I don't know what's going on in his head. And I would rather not find out."

I swallowed.

"So, just stay with me. I have the space, and once I get back to work, you won't even notice when I'm home. I promise that I won't bother you."

The thought of returning to his apartment put me on edge. "Do you still live in your apartment from before? I don't think I can go in there."

He shook his head. "No, I have a new condo. It's a four bedroom, two bath. It's in that new building that they put up last year. I moved out of my old apartment years ago. I needed more space."

My eyebrows went up. I knew how expensive those condos were. Clearly, Owen was doing pretty good for himself.

"Are you sure?"

He nodded. "Yeah, I'm sure. We can head straight there and even get whatever else you need. You can use the spare bedroom, and the other room is kind of a mess, but we could clean it up for your art."

I didn't love the idea but didn't have any other options, so I agreed.

"Only until I figure things out," I quickly added. "I'm not going to stay long."

He gave me a soft smile. "Ashley, you are always welcome in my house."

I blushed, suddenly wishing it wasn't temporary. I never pictured us living together but not actually being together.