Owen leaned back slightly and started to speed up. His cock slammed into me, and my moans grew louder. His hand found my clit motioning little circles on it. My fingers curled around the sheets as I started to feel myself growing hot. It didn't take long before I hit my peak, tightening around him, crying out his name.
"Fuck," Owen said while his grip on my wrists became painful, but I didn't care. I was on cloud nine as Owen came hard.
Chapter 10 - Owen
I jerked awake to the sound of my phone ringing. I rubbed my eyes, looking over to the nightstand and finding my phone was lit up and buzzing. It was a number I didn't know, but I grabbed my phone anyway.
I quickly glanced at Ashley, who was lying on her stomach, her hair falling freely over the pillow. She looked peaceful, and I wasn't going to disturb her. She deserved to sleep.
I moved, placing my finger over my phone's speaker as I slipped across the room towards the door. I pulled on a pair of pants before I stepped outside, shutting the door behind me. Once I was outside, I rubbed my eyes and pulled the phone up, answering it.
I cleared my throat. "Hello?"
"Where is she?"
I stiffened because I knew that voice. I'd gone to plenty of meetings with Ayden to learn about the voices of all the alphas that were around us. It was also hard to forget the voice of an asshole that always ended the meeting complaining he wasn't going to get that time back.
"How did you get my number, Logan?" I quickly looked outside the window at the end of the hall, feeling my dragon suddenly on edge. Was he near? Did he know we were here?
"I have connections, and my connections have informed me that you took my bride and took her off somewhere."
I rolled my eyes, moving down the hallway towards the kitchen. Was he still telling people Ashley was his bride? "I don't recall a ring on her finger. But then again, my eyesight could beoff. I also don't recall her saying she was your bride, but maybe my ears are going as well. But the likelihood of both being off seems extremely unlikely."
I could hear his growl. Clearly, he wasn't a fan of my humor.
"Where are you? I know you have her."
I chuckled because even if he wanted to come up here, he couldn't. Going to a random cabin was one thing, but I was in Ayden's cabin. This was another alpha's home, and he had no right to step foot anywhere near it. He had to have permission, but he didn't have it.
"Nowhere you can get her," I said, stopping in the kitchen next to the coffee pot. I grabbed the coffee grounds, pouring a portion into the top before snapping the lid shut. But you already knew that. Why else would you be calling? You trying to see if I can be swayed to bring her back?"
"You better return her home."
"I won't."
"You can't hold her captive," Logan growled. "She is my bride, and you are stepping on another alpha's territory. You are a beta and need to step down."
I ground my teeth together, feeling the insult. I might be beta, but I never felt like it was a bad thing. Ayden and I had a very understanding and strong relationship. I might not have been alpha, but Ayden needed me.
As badly as I wanted to say I knew better. Ayden said not to make waves, and I needed to remain calm. This was for Ashley. Pissing this asshole off wasn't going to make her situation better.
I took a slow breath and started the coffee maker, turning around to grab a couple of mugs.
"I didn't step on your territory, as Ashley resides in our domain. I simply took her away at her request. If you have any problems, you can take them up with our alpha, Ayden."
He laughed. "Really? She asked you to take her away? That's a load of shit. We were going to have lunch and discuss the marriage. Ashley wouldn't just run off."
Ashley wasn't the type of person to run off. She was so used to having her folks throw stuff at her that she always just took it, which was why I stepped in. "Maybe she rethought and asked for a way out," I responded, watching the coffee drip. "Either way, she doesn't want to marry you."
Logan growled again. "Return her."
"I am not holding her captive," I said. "Ashley is free to go, and she hasn't. Get the picture, Logan."
"The picture is going to be you dead and your blood painting the ground."
I growled, rage forming in my stomach. My dragon stirred, wanting out, but I exhaled slowly to keep myself from reacting. "Is that a threat, Logan?"
Logan didn't respond, and I curled my fingers around the counter.