Owen took a few steps back without saying a word and offered me a hand up into the truck. He then got on his side and pulled the truck out.

I felt my shoulders relax as I looked back in the rearview mirror, finding Zenna was following out after us, and Logan stood in the driveway, growing small as we drove away.

Chapter 18 - Owen

I was sitting at work filling out some forms when my phone vibrated. I picked it up, not knowing the number. I pulled it up and answered it.


"Owen, this is Zenna. I'm at her folk's house with her. She doesn't know that I'm calling, but I didn't think I should wait."

I stiffened and felt my entire body tense up. Her voice sounded worried, as if something was wrong.

"What's going on?" I asked, looking around the counter for my keys.

"Logan is here, and I don't like how he’s watching us. I don’t trust him and I figured I should call you. I know there is a lot going on with you guys, but you need to be here. This doesn’t feel right."

I hung up, found my keys, and rushed out of the fire station. I jumped into my truck and hurried down the road, knowing fully well that I was speeding. I remembered the directions to her folk's house, having driven there almost daily when we were dating.

Her folks lived in a secluded area near the woods, so it wouldn't be hard to hide something.

I pulled up, feeling my heart beating quickly in my chest. I gripped the steering wheel tightly and took a deep breath in. I couldn't start a fight. I had to remain calm, and since I wasn't invited, I couldn't just go inside.

I got out of the truck and was just getting around it when the door opened. My eyes went right to Ashley as she was coming through the door.

I felt my shoulders relax, knowing she wasn't hurt, but they quickly tensed up as I realized Logan was standing just behind her in the doorway. Ashley looked pale and shaken as she moved.

I started walking towards Ashley, grabbing her as quickly as I could and getting her into the truck. I made sure that her friend made it to her vehicle before I hit the gas, bolting out of the driveway.

As we drove down the road, I knew my knuckles were going white from gripping the steering wheel as tightly as I was. Why the hell was Logan at her folk's house?

Ashley moved in her seat, shifting uncomfortably. "Are you okay?"

I ground my teeth together, keeping my eyes on the road. I didn't want to fight, but god damn, I needed some answers.

"No, I'm not okay," I snapped, glancing at her. "Why the hell was he there?"

She scowled. "I don't know."

"What do you mean you don't know."

She glared now, looking irritated. "My folks invited him because they knew I was coming, but I didn't know until I got there that he was even over."

"Why did you even go inside then?" I pressed. She shouldn't have gone in if she knew he was there.

"Because I needed my artwork," she stated.

"Or was it just you so eagerly and willingly running back to your parents?"

Her eyes widened, and I knew the words were wrong, and they only came out in anger. But I'd said them and couldn't take them back.

"Fuck you!" she yelled. "You knew that I was going there to grab my art to sell, and you're going to act like I wanted him there?"

"You still went in! Why didn't you just leave!?"

She threw her arms up. "Because I need to make money! And all my work is there. I was already there, and it would have looked wrong to just leave."

"You could have gone back another day."