I didn't need anyone rough around the edges. I had Owen, who was nothing but a gentleman. The only time he got rough was in the bedroom when I wanted it.

Shit….was I thinking about us?

"You and Owen can't be anything."

Those words felt like a knife stabbing into my stomach.

"You have been down this road," my mother said, her eyes softening. "Honey, the thought of him touching you and dirtying you."

I felt my nails bite into my skin as I curled my hands into tight fists.

"Dirty?" I asked.

"He's a beta," my mother added, shaking her head. "Can you imagine if you had a child with him? You would never be able to raise them like you were raised. That lavish lifestyle will be out of your reach."

I frowned, not caring about the lavish lifestyle. Money wouldn't buy me happiness. It never did.

Owen's folks had money, but it was through hard work that they got what they had. Owen learned at a young age that if he wanted something, he had to work for it. It wasn't handed to him. And the fact that he was beta after all of that….well, that just proved he was a good man.

"Isn't that my decision to make?" I asked. "You both married for love, so why must I give that up?"

My father tilted his head, his eyes growing serious. "If he loved you, would he have cheated on you?"

I suddenly can't think. My mind freezes up, and I don't have anything to say.

"Honey, you should come home," my mother offered. It was a mistake to throw the marriage at you like that. You're still clearly fragile from everything."

I shake my head and pull myself out of the chair. I needed space to think.

"Ashley, please sit back down."

I shake my head. "No, I have things I need to get to. I will message you when I come to grab my things."

"Ashley, we aren't done talking," my mother growled.

I ignored her, making my way towards the door, practically running as fast as I could.

Chapter 16 - Owen

I sighed as I parked the truck in the underground parking garage. I looked down at my phone, and I saw no messages from Ashley, and I was worried.

Since her meeting with her folks Ashley had been a little quieter. When I asked her how the meeting went, she said not well. I could tell she had been crying about it, but she went to her room afterward.

She hadn't told more anymore, and while I wanted to press for information, I knew not to. She would tell me when she was ready.

I rubbed my eyes, wishing I could help. But it was clear Ashley didn't want my help. It was between her and her folks.

I got out of the truck and grabbed the food I'd ordered for us. I knew that she was going to be home. I hoped that while this wasn't a big gesture, the food would cheer her up, and maybe we could chat since I've been getting radio silence for the past couple of days.

She's been spending a lot of time on her art or just sleeping. I got her a laptop so she could work on her website, but I wasn't sure if she had done much more on it.

I headed up the elevator and down the hall to my door. I unlocked the door and immediately spotted Ashley sitting at the dining table. Her hands were placed together, and her eyes snapped to me as I shut the door.

"I brought dinner," I said, showing her the bag and smiling.

She gave me a weak smile back. "You have a minute to talk?"

My heart skipped a beat. Maybe she was finally ready to talk about everything that happened.