Owen tilted his head, watching me for a moment. "You promise to let me know how it goes?" he asked.

I raised my eyebrow. "Are you saying you’re not going to let me shower if I don't."

"If that makes you promise, yes."

I almost smirked. "I will tell you now. Please leave the bathroom so I can shower."

Owen smiled before he turned and left. I turned to the mirror and took a deep breath. I could do this. I'd dealt with worse. This was just lunch with my parents.

I arrived first and took a table along the side. It would at least give us privacy, but if I needed to leave, there would be people around to witness them if they acted up.

I ordered some water and heard the door open. I looked up to find both of my folks coming in. My mother pulled off her sun hat, and her eyes landed on me right away. My father smiled as he spotted me and rushed over.

"We have missed you," my father said, kissing my forehead as he cupped my face. "We were so worried."

I swallowed as they both sat down. My mother gave me a soft smile as she set her hat next to her. "I'm glad to see that you're still looking well. Did he feed you?"

I nodded. "I'm fine."

My father scowled. "Why didn't you just come and talk to us instead of running off?"

I wanted to remind them that I had. I told them I didn't want to meet Logan, yet they forced me. Owen had saved me. It was that simple.

"Because you two weren't listening."

I watched my mother's lips straighten and pull in slightly. My father reached across the table. "Ashley, we only want what's best for you."

"Are you sure?" I asked, frowning at them. "I know about the money. You practically sold me."

My mother’s eyes narrowed. "We did not sell you. We simply offered up that you were single, and Logan offered to help your father out with the business. We just thought if a man like that is nice enough to help us, he clearly would be a great fit as a husband for you."

I looked at my father, wondering if that was true. I raised an eyebrow at him. "Why didn't you guys say anything about the business going under?"

"It's not under," my mother snapped back. "And you need to stay out of things that aren't your business."

"It is my business if you're trying to sell me off," I snapped back.

"Addy," my father reached a hand, resting it on her shoulder, trying to calm my mother. It only angered me more.

They were supposed to be apologizing for their behavior. They were supposed to see the wrong in what they did, yet it seemed there was no chance of that happening.

"Ashley, there is a lot you don't know, but it's not for you to know. So, just come home, and let's try to figure something out as a family."

"No," I said, shaking my head. "I'm not coming home."

My mother laughed, and it caused a few heads to turn. I felt my face grow hot as she leaned forward. "What? Do you think you're going to make it on your own? You have yet to prove that you can."

"I'm not alone," I said, shrugging.

My mother frowned. "You better not be staying with him."

"There is nothing wrong with Owen."

"Sweetie." My father reached for my hand again. "You're going to make a big mistake if you go down that road again. Logan…Logan is perfect for you. Do you really think we would marry you to someone we didn't trust?"

"What does he have over you?" I asked, looking between them. "Money? Secrets?"

"It isn't like that," my father quickly added. "He's a charming, sweet man once you get to know him. He's just rough around the edges. He's misunderstood."