I looked at my father, hoping he would at least say something. He had to understand how this all sounded.
"It's not a bad idea," my father said, giving me a gentle smile. "At least meet him. You might be surprised."
I almost laughed. I had met Logan, and he was an ass. We had plenty of parties, including members of other packs coming to see ours. Logan being the alpha meant he was often in our town.
I'd never had a conversation with him, but I didn't need to know how arrogant and selfish he was. I saw all his previous wives, who were all stunningly gorgeous but nothing but empty shells. They never spoke, never smiled, and never really did anything until they just magically died.
Everyone talked about Logan and how he ran his pack with an iron fist. I was not going to be his next victim.
"No," I said, crossing my arms and leaning back in my chair. I had to put my foot down. "I won't."
My mother's hands curled into fists, and narrowed her eyes on me. "You are a selfish little brat!"
"You are…"
"Enough," she snapped back. "You do not have an option. You are going to marry him, end of discussion."
"It's my life," I growled back. "You don't get to dictate what I do."
"It is your life, which we have funded!" she growled back, baring her teeth. "And you owe us for everything we have done for you."
I felt tears build up. I bit hard onto my cheek and looked away. I knew better than to cry because it wouldn't changeanything. It would just prove to my mother that she had the upper hand, which she did. She always did. She knew how to make me feel small and if her words didn’t work she would pull the cancer card out.
"We held your hand and your lifestyle while you fell apart over Owen."
"Which is what a parent is supposed to do," I said softly. “And I stayed home because needed me.” I looked at my mother. “You were sick, so I stayed back.”
My father reached across the table and took my hand. "Ashley, please. We just want what’s best for you.
I looked at my father, seeing the softness in his eyes. I could also see concern, and I couldn't put my finger on why. "Please…Agree to meet him.."
Growing up, my relationship with my folks had been loving until I hit middle school, and my mother got her first diagnosis of brain cancer. She suddenly grew cold, and our entire household shifted. My life was never the same and I was trying so hard to bring it back to that. But the more I tried, the farther away it seemed to get.
I knew there was a way out of this. There had to be, but I couldn't do anything about it. I just had to suffer through it like it was just another shitty chapter of my life. If I did this, maybe she would finally be happy.
I swallowed, pulling my hands back. "I will meet him."
My mother beamed across the table. "See, that's the daughter I know."
I looked at my father, hating how my skin felt like it was crawling. But he just held a soft smile, and I saw no remorse in his eyes. So, they were in this together.
"I'll set up a date for you two to meet," my mother added, but I was not listening. I felt my heart beating and wished I was anywhere but here.
A few days later, I met with Logan at a small restaurant. I was nervous, and my mind wouldn't shut off. I hadn't slept since my folks told me about the marriage proposal, and I felt like I needed to throw up.
"It's just a meal," I said to myself as I approached the door.
It was a lie I had been telling myself. I kept saying I could have one meal and tell my folks it wouldn't work, but I knew that probably wouldn't happen. The man could do whatever he wanted, but my folks probably wouldn't care. What I didn't understand was why. Why did they want me to marry him so badly?
I pulled the door open, feeling a shiver roll down my spine. As the door clicked shut behind me, I suddenly felt like I wasn't going to be able to leave.
Chapter 2 - Owen
I heard the door open before I saw it. I looked up from my phone and saw Ashley step into the restaurant. She looked as perfect as always. She was wearing her long black hair down, and it fell smoothly down her back. She must have straightened it for the occasion.
She was wearing a long black dress that ended at her ankles but had a slit that ran up the side. It was the type of outfit she used to wear for me, mostly to tease the shit out of me when we went places.
The dress hugged her tightly, and I saw no lines, meaning she likely wasn't wearing underwear or a bra. I would have smirked if I hadn't known she was coming here to see Logan. This outfit was to impress him, and it made my stomach churn.