I kicked him, and Owen took a jump back, scowling at me. "Would you stop that?! You're not a five-year-old. For fuck sake, use your words."
"I am! And my words say to hit you because you're lying to me."
I took a step forward to punch him, but he caught my hand, pulling me against his body. "Ashley, stop. I'm not lying. I wouldn't lie about that."
No. If I did, my mind was going to take over, and I would start seeing him twisting up in the sheets with another woman. I would get jealous when we weren't even together.
It shouldn't bother me. We broke up years ago, but it stung. Knowing he was once mine and no longer is still hurt. Maybe because I never could get over it.
He hooked my chin, and my eyes snapped up to his. He looked at me with a serious expression before his lips pressed against mine softly.
It was like every muscle in my body relaxed. I hated it, but I loved it at the same time.
Owen cupped my face as he leaned back. "Seems I still know how to calm you down."
I didn't know what to say. He wasn't wrong. He learned my mind would wind up, and it would become almost impossible to calm.
His forehead pressed against mine, and his voice came out in a whisper. "I'm sorry. I really did just lose track of time. I didn't want to argue with you anymore, so I went to get some air."
"Kiss me again," I ask softly. "Like you used to."
I felt his hand slide over my neck, and his lips pressed against mine a little rougher this time. My lips parted, and his tongue slid over mine. The kiss quickly grew heated, and I moaned softly as I felt my mind seeming to settle for the first time in what felt like forever.
This was a terrible idea, and I knew that. But as terrible as the idea was, I still wanted this. I needed this.
I couldn't think through everything that Owen threw at me. The thought of my parents selling me felt like rock bottom. And to Logan, of all people.
Owen's hand held my face softly as he broke the kiss. I was panting, shaking like a leaf.
"Is that what you wanted?" he asked me softly. I felt his thumb stroking my cheek, and I nodded.
"Do it again," I asked.
Owen's eyes softened. "Ashley…"
"Please," I begged.
"I don't want to fight," he said softly. "At least not tonight."
I couldn't agree more with him. "Then let's not."
"Ashley…we both know this is dangerous territory. If we do this..."
"Please," I asked once more. "Just stay with me tonight? Just tonight, it's all I ask."
We both knew what I was asking. I had always asked him to just stay with me many times before when I didn't want to be alone. More often than not, we ended up fucking until the morning came up.
But Owen never refused me, and I knew he wouldn't now. He pressed his forehead to mine. "If that is what you want, then that is what I will give you."
He pulled me up, his hand hoisting me out of the air. His mouth found mine, and it was a rough, messy kiss as he moved us down the hallway.
We slammed into the wall, and I pulled at his shirt, trying to snap the buttons free. Owen pulled it off, giving me the perfect view of his body. I ran my hands over his abs, and they felt just like I had remembered. Owen always stayed in shape, and it seemed he was even fitter than before.
I looked at his art, taking in his tattoo sleeve. "When did you get this?" He didn't have any tattoos when we were going out. I remembered him expressing how he wanted to but never got around to it.
He glanced down at his arm and smirked. "I started it when I started at the fire station. I just finished it a couple of months ago."
Owen grabbed my hips, pressing me against the wall and into my space. His mouth was on mine as his other hand worked my sweater buttons. My mind snapped away from his tattoo back to wanting him.