Chapter 1 - Hayley

Hayley read through the letter again, her fingers tracing the words slowly. She sighed when she was done, folding it neatly and throwing it away in a trash bin she kept next to her dressing table. Hayley didn't want to return, at least not now. She didn’t intend to step one foot into Bellefleur for at least a few more years. Not until she overcame the embarrassment of getting rejected by her mate. The day one comes across their mate is said to be the happiest. Sadly, it had been the opposite story for Hayley, who was left in tears and heartbreak. To make things worse, it was only a few months after her father's death. Finding her mate was the one thing she thought would help her overcome the grief, but it did the opposite. That’s why she left Bellefleur. She had been hoping to find peace.

It had been two years, and Hayley still hadn't found anything resembling peace. She thought it would be easy, a new beginning. Instead, all she had found was work, stress, and a sour neighbor called depression, reminding her that adulthood was a scam.

‘I can't wait for you to visit home. I'll prepare your favorite meal for you.’

The text was from Greta, who had been their helper even before the birth of Hayley. After her mother's death when Hayley was just an infant, Greta stepped in to live with the Hills and take care of Hayley. Growing up, she assumed Greta was her mother until she was old enough to understand the whole story.

Hayley smiled and sent a smiley face back. She thought about Greta and her best friend, Elena, who had come to visit her in the city. Unfortunately, Hayley could only reach Greta through video calls because she wasn't willing to leave the house.Greta had told her about the bandits who had been raiding homes. She was afraid that her home would become a target if she left.

"I guess I’d better get packing," she muttered. She looked around the small room she had called her home for nearly two years. It was nothing much compared to her room back home, nearly the size of her old closet. When Hayley arrived, she was determined to be independent and survive on her own. Back home, while she was admired and loved by many, she hated being seen as 'the daughter of a rich man'. Although Hayley wanted a fresh start in the city, deep down she couldn't deny that she despised it.

She hated living alone, without Greta, and without friends around. She was also running out of money. Hayley had found a job as a salesgirl in a boutique, but it didn't last a month after the boutique had to close down.

And so, her mind made up, she stepped out of her house early the next day. Her last stop in the city was her landlord’s house.

"Mr.Bettletoe, how are you?" she greeted him with a cheery smile, hoping her good mood would rub off the sour look he had on his face. It didn't work. In fact, he seemed more annoyed by it.

"It's Mr.BettleDoe," he corrected.

Hauled resisted the urge to roll her eyes. "Right. Mr. BettleDoe, you look great and in good shape. Have you been working out?"

"In good shape? I have a pot belly that's bigger than your head and mine combined. Let's stop this small talk, shall we? Where is my money?"

"I actually stopped by to let you know that I won't be staying in your apartment anymore. I'm moving out."

"You're moving out? With just that?" He pointed to the bag she had across her shoulders.

Hayley didn't see the need to take the rest of her things as she wouldn't need them anymore. She had only taken important files, the money she planned to use for transport, and her favorite romance books. "Yes, this is all I need. And this, Mr. BettleDoe," she gave him the rest of the money she had, "will cover the rent I still owe you."

Hayley made a promise to herself at that moment that she was never going to return to the city again. She hailed the first taxi she saw and got in immediately.


"Greta!" Hayley dropped her bag and ran to hug the older woman who was already running toward her. "It's so nice to see you again. I can’t believe it’s been two years!" The two women met with a hug. Hayley smiled as she buried her head on Greta's shoulder. She had missed her so much, her hugs, her cooking, and her motherly care.

Hayley stepped away when Greta was pulled back. Greta no longer had a smile on her face. "It’s been two years, one month, and fifteen days, Hayley Green." She stood looking up at Hayley with a comically serious expression on her face. It was funny because she was a small woman and always reminded Hayley of a cartoon character. "Is there something funny on my face?"

Hayley looked away, a guilty expression on her face. "I'm sorry I stayed away for so long."

"You promised to visit in a month or two," Greta reminded her. "Two years isn't a month or two, Hayley." After hearing people call her Evelyn for the past two years, Hayley had to admit it was nice to be referred to by her real name again.

"I only said that because you wouldn’t have let me go if I told you I planned to stay away for years." She would have mentioned her plans to Greta, but she would have locked Hayley in the house to prevent her from leaving. Luckily, Hayley never lied—at least never to Greta—so when she did lie, Greta fell for it easily. "I'm sorry, Greta," she apologized.

"We will talk about this later. Come on, Mr. Monroe is waiting. I informed him you'd arrive today, and he showed up this morning."

Hayley got an instant headache. "He couldn't wait for me to get a good rest first?"

"Same thing I said. Come on. I'll take your bag. You're walking like a zombie."

"I am one at the moment."


Reclining in the bathtub once more, it was a familiar sensation. Back in the city, she didn't have one. And even if she had bought one, there was no place to put it because her bathroom had been so small. Hayley had to make do with a cold shower every day because the hot water was only available for one hour in the morning. By the time Hayley woke up, there was nothing left.

She smiled, closed her eyes, and slid down into the bath, allowing the scented water to swallow her. Hayley's greatest fearwas drowning. She used to hate the ocean, the sea, the pool, and anything that involved water up to the waist level. Hayley wouldn’t be caught dead in a place like that. After a terrifying experience when she was eleven in which she had nearly drowned after being pushed into a pool, Hayley decided enough was enough and learned to swim. Now, the water no longer scared her.