Elena moved closer to her friend, placing an arm across her shoulder. "It will, come on. We can spend the time drinking while admiring some attractive black ops members. They’re around every Friday and most weekdays. I tell you; they are yummy."

"Aren't you with Silas?"

"Nope. We actually decided to go our separate ways. You know we didn't want to take things too far in case we found our mates one day and had to separate. Of course, I'm a witch, so it's not much of a big issue to me, but you know how these werewolves take this mate stuff." She rolled her eyes. "Come on! I promise the plan is not to get drunk."

"I guess it wouldn't hurt to go out and have fun."

"Exactly. That's the spirit." Elena jumped up. "I care about your problems, but I haven't seen you for months. I miss hanging out with you and all. It's too soon to worry. Let's drink and we’ll sort these problems out tomorrow."

"Drinking to forget your problems is a very bad idea. Luckily, I won't turn it down this time. I guess I should go shower. I was about to do that before you arrived."

"You should probably do that."


The bar had not changed one bit. Everything looked the same as the last time she was there with Hayley and a few of their friends. The same hard chairs, the people, the cheers coming from a corner of the room every few minutes, the watchers she feared were stalkers were still around. But to be fair, she also didn't think she had changed a lot. Maybe a bit in her appearance. She had cut her hair and started wearing glasses back in the city. She knew it wouldn't do much to hide her identity, though it had worked for Superman.

"You know it wouldn't hurt to take a sip," Elena said, throwing her head back and down the entire content in the cup.

Hayley eyed the purple vapor oozing out from the cup. "What's even in this?" She brought it up to her nose and took a sniff. Hayley wondered if her nose was working right. She looked from the drink to her friend, who was watching her with amusement. "It smells like...fish? Do you even know what you're drinking?"

"No, but I've been drinking this for months, and it makes me feel funny, but in a good way, if you know what I mean." She wiggled her eyebrows. Hayley shook her head, placing the cup on the table. She pushed it over to Elena, who accepted it happily. "Your loss," Elena said with a shrug.

Hayley leaned forward on the table. "So, tell me. What's been going on since I left? Who died, had an affair, or got pregnant?"

Elena wiped away, brushing her flaming red hair behind her ear before speaking. "Tammy died, Jane had an affair with her driver, and Jacklyn's nose has doubled in size."

"Tammy is dead?" Hayley asked, horrified. "How did I not know of this? How did that happen?" Tammy was the only human who lived in their paranormal world. Though her mother was a witch and her father a wizard, Tammy had been born with no powers. She was a quiet and shy, young woman. The moment Hayley met her, she immediately wanted to be friends with her. The girl's adorableness alone was enough to draw Hayley towards her.

"Calm down." Elena chuckled. "I mean, she's dead like a vampire."

"No?!" Hayley said in disbelief. Tammy had made it clear that she was happy being human. Back then, they didn't know if she would get a mate, but she said she planned on remaining human if she did get one.

"Yup. Tammy met her mate a few months after you left. He's a vampire. After they mated, Tammy became one. She can't exactly remain human, watching the man she loves remain young while she grows old. She's not in Bellefleur, though. They left for their honeymoon earlier this year and have not returned since then. As for Jane? She moved away to the city with her lover—the driver. I hear from her once in a while and she's doing really good."

"What about her mate?" Hayley inquired.

"She broke the bond."

"Ouch." She didn't know why Jane made the decision she did, but Hayley felt instant pity for her mate. She knew what it felt like to be on the receiving end. She wondered if Zach had found someone new. She wondered what she would be like. She could imagine—the exact opposite of her. "What did you say?" she asked her friend when she saw she was still speaking but hadn't paid any attention.

"I said, Walter has moved on with his life, though, and as for Jacklyn? She's still in town, building her family." Elena leaned forward, a silly smile on her face. "I guess you and I are the only single ones left of the clique."

"It's not such a bad thing." Hayley shrugged. "For you, not me. At least you haven't been slapped with rejection from your mate...you haven't even met him yet."

"I know, like what the fuck? Anyway, try not to think of Zach or anything that happened two years ago. Tonight, you are trying to forget."

"I'll try."

Hayley's eyes scanned the room, trying to pick up any familiar or friendly face, while Elena was trying to get the attention of a guy who had been staring at her before. Hayley had lots of friends back then, but after the incident, those friends had been the ones who laughed at her and spread rumors. Elena and a few others were the only ones who stood by her side, and for that, Hayley would forever be grateful.

Suddenly, her lips parted slightly, her eyes widened in disbelief, and she couldn't hear anything but the pounding in her chest for a moment. Her palms got clammy, and she couldn't move a muscle. He had his back facing her, but she knew who he was.

Hayley felt dizzy, and she immediately held the table to stop herself from falling.

"Elena, can we go now?"

"Now? But—let's stay awhile. I'm pretty sure the red-haired hunk is going to flirt with me any time—"