?“That’s fine.” He glanced away. “I… I’m not much of a cook and I forgot to eat today.”
?How the hell could someone forget to eat?! That was like my favorite thing to do!
?“Uh… do you want to go somewhere with more food choices?”
?“No. This is okay.”
?“Okay. Well let’s get you something to eat before you pass out on me.”
?I gave him a big smile, but he just nodded. It was odd, but I honestly didn’t mind that he was grumpy all the time. It was sort of cute, actually. But I stomped that urge down immediately. This was a just friends thing. Besides, I didn’t really want to sleep with him, anyway. The moment I did, he’d leave. So this was probably best for both of us.
?Leading Rowan inside, I took him up to the counter so he could see the menu board and let him know what their best items were. When he placed his order I was surprised to see him wave me forward and tell me to add my coffee to his order. I tried to deny the kind gesture, but he insisted. Instead of making a scene, I just ordered and decided I’d get his next time we hung out.
?It was a short wait to get our drinks and Rowan’s sandwich, but by the time we sat down I was practically burning with questions.
?“So, why the long day?” I asked, taking a sip of my iced coffee. “Work stuff?”
?“Yeah,” he nodded, taking a bite of his sandwich. “Boss is an idiot.”
?“They do that sometimes,” I chuckled. “What does yours do?”
?“He’s a boomer.”
?“Ah. That explains it. Does he know how to use email?”
?“It’s the only thing he does know how to use and he uses it to fucking pester me all day long about stupid bullshit.”
?“Ooh,” I grinned. “I like the passion. Keep going.”
?Rowan waved me off. “It’s not important.”
?I leaned across the table. “Look, I love good work drama. So tell me about it.”
?“The day’s over,” he sighed. “I don’t want to relive it.”
?“Totally fair.” I took another sip. “My day was pretty blah. Just normal junk.”
?“What do you do?”
?“I work reception at a veterinary clinic,” I replied. “It’s like being a vet except I just get to pet animals all day and I don’t have to do the gross stuff. It doesn’t pay much, but it’s a fun job. I love seeing all those cute pups all day long.”
?“Dogs are alright.”
?“I really like it when people bring in bunnies or snakes or weird pets. That’s always fun.” I glanced up at him. “So what do you do?”
?“Stupid corporate bullshit.”
?“Ah. Flavor?”
?“Oh. You must be one of those smart types.”
?“I’m just a middle manager who hates his life.” He paused. “And actually, I’m a fucking idiot.”
?I furrowed my brows, caught off guard by the ferocity of that last comment. “That’s a mean thing to say about yourself. I’ve only known you for twenty minutes and I can already tell you’re not an idiot.”
?“If I wasn’t, I wouldn’t be here,” he said flatly.