I can’t believeI’m doing this. As I rode the elevator down to the club from Hades’ tower suite, tugging at the short dress I found and pulled on as three pairs of curious eyes watched me, I sensed it wasn’t a good idea.
But Minthe had asked me the day before—the day Hades stole my innocence with his hot touch—if I’d go out tonight. I’d told her I’d consider it, but the truth was that I’d completely forgotten. When I fled Hades’ office after everything, I’d showered and fell into bed. I thought I’d toss all night long, but apparently orgasmingcan take a heck of a lot out of a girl, because as soon as my head hit the pillow it was lights out.
To my horror, I slept until nearly eleven the next day. When I hurried to the kitchen, expecting to find Hades as I’d found him every other Saturday since I began working for him, I found nothing but a note in black ink explaining that an emergency had come up and he wouldn’t be back until late tonight, or possibly early Sunday morning.
I haven’t spoken to Hades since he sucked my blood from his fingers and I bid him a freaked-out goodnight, scurrying from his office like a terrified animal in the face of a predator.
I’ve been mulling over everything that happened last night all day. So, when Willa texted me about joining them at the club, I figured why not? Without Hades here, it’s not like I’m ditching my responsibilities. If it does nothing else, at the very least it might help to take my mind off Hades. Right?
I agreed. And then I got myself dressed up in one of the pretty little dresses Hades stocked for me in the closet in my room.
I’d felt confident and beautiful in the mirror, wrapped up in the sinful bodycon dress that hugged every dip and curve my body had to offer. In fact, I’d felt disappointed in the fact that Hades wouldn’t see me in it.
With my pale hair down in beachy waves and mymakeup done with the help of a tutorial onTikTok, I felt—well, I felt good. Pretty. Confident. Sexual.
Now, I can’t stop tugging the hem of my dress. I definitely don’t feel like the sexual goddess I’d felt like when I stood in the mirror with the three massive pups standing sentry behind me.
Claire is the first to see me, and her mouth drops a moment before she lets out a shrill shriek. “Holy shit, girl, you look killer good!”
A hesitant smile stretches my lips. “Thanks.”
Minthe leans in to loop her arm through mine. “She’s right. You look amazing.”
“You look great, too.”
“Oh, I always look good.” Minthe winks.
I scan the club. “Where’s Leuce?”
Minthe pouts. “Oh, she got stuck helping Hades with whatever drama came up.”
I can’t help it, and don’t like it, but a feeling of hot jealousy bites at my insides. Leuce is with Hades right now. The beautiful woman who, without doubt, knows way more when it comes to sexual satisfaction. She’s also dating the girl in front of me, I remind myself. But then the fear comes back because I’ve seen Minthe flirt seriously with the boys in the house.
“Are you and Leuce—um—monogamous?”
Minthe’s smile is slow and promiscuous. “Why do you ask?”
“I’m just—”Why did I ask?“I’m just curious.”
“We’re life partners, there’s no question about that. Me and Leuce have a very special bond. To answer your question—no, we’re not monogamous. We’re free to play with whoever we want to play with.”
Something ugly twists in my gut. It pricks my skin like a thousand needles. “Oh.”
Minthe moves closer, her shoulders swaying as she wets her lips, eyes dragging over me. “Why, Persephone? Do you think you might like to play with me?”
“Me?” Shock spikes the pitch of my voice. “N—no.”
Why am I hot? I don’t understand the way Minthe makes me feel. Like I know her, but don’t.
Like my body knows her. Knows her body.
I force my gaze away from Minthe as I force my thoughts from Hades with Leuce. I can’t handle that. And, if I’m being honest with myself, it’s not my place to handle thoughts of Hades with other women. I don’t own him or have any rights to him. He can do whatever he wants with whomever her wants.
It’s not like we vowed exclusivity. Hell, we hardly talked about what we were doing.
I just know that I want to do more. I want to play more. Explore more.Feel more.
Willa tips her head back, downing her drink. I slip from Minthe closer to the group, feeling Addison’s blue eyes on me as I slide next to Willa. “What are we drinking?”