“Girl, that's nuts.” She peers at me through furrowed brows, half her attention on the coffee she’s stirring. “You just met him.”
“I did.”
“I think he's a psycho for evenasking this of you.”
I laugh, trying to put us both at ease. Inside, I’ve been a panicked mess since the totally bizarre interview/proposition I’d had with Hades yesterday. “You're the one who brought up I was looking for work. He just filled that need, I guess.”
“Yeah, in a really creepy way.”
“It's not creepy, Willa. It's sad.”
Her head jerks back on her shoulders. “How is it sad? The guy's a billionaire. He can have anything he wants.” She snorts. “He's as far from sad as sad can get.”
“Just because he can afford a lot of things, doesn't mean he can get anything.”
“Uh, that’s exactly what it means. Look what he’s doing to you.”
“He's notdoinganything to me.” I’m starting to feel defensive, and that’s making me feel annoyed. “He offered me a job, and I agreed.”
“I just think he's taking advantage of you.”
“He’s not.” At her disbelieving look, I say, “I don’t need the money so much that hecantake advantage of me. There are boundaries. I’ve made them clear, and he’s agreed to respect them. If he suddenly opts not to respect my boundaries, there are plenty of other jobs. I’m sure I’d be able to get one.”
“Then why don’t you?”
“Why don’t I what?”
“Get a different job.”
I shrug. “I guess I’m curious.”
She looks doubtful. “So, it has nothing to do with the fact the man is hotter than hades? Total pun intended.”
“I’m not going there.” But I can feel my face flaming. I shift in my own seat at the little table, thankful no one else has crawled out of bed yet, and try to attempt to conceal my discomfort with a sip of my coffee.
“Oh, come on. If you’re taking this job with Mr. Rich and Steamy, you’ve got to at least give me the goods.”
“There are no goods. There will be no goods.” I huff. “I told you, it’s strictly professional.”
“Sure.” She gives me big, disbelieving eyes and a hell of a snort. “Because that’s going to last.”
I hold firm. “It is. I would never sleep with my boss.”
She gives me a look that says she doesn’t believe me, and she can’t wait to tell me she knew all along just how this was going to play out.
I sigh, feeling my shoulders fall. “I think he’s just lonely, Willa. I think he has so much money that real relationships aren’t something he trusts. Probably because most people think the way you do, and see him as nothing more than a bank sum.”
Willa gasps in mock outraged affront. Then she rolls her eyes. “Okay, okay. I get it. You’re a saint.” She narrows her eyes at me. “What is he paying you?”
“I insisted on minimum wage.”
“Whywould you do that?”
I twist my lips to the side and admit, “It feels wrong that he would pay me more when he’s really just paying for me to sleep, you know?”
“Okay.” She takes a big gulp of her coffee. “I need a hot as hades man to pay me to sleep. Bonus points if his name is actually Hades. Hey, can I borrow yours?”
“Nope.” I grin, but it is borderline forced. I know she’s just playing with me, but the idea of sharing Hades in any capacity feels—wrong. Wrong in the kind of way that has nausea swirling in my belly and unease prickling my spine.