“Everything,” she said, “I’m starving.” She started to walk out of the kitchen, and he called her name.
“I forgot to tell you that I asked your aunt to marry me,” Hurricane casually said. Yeah, blurting out shit was his go-to, but he really needed to work on his delivery.
“And that’s the way you tell me?” she almost shouted.
“Well, you were busy asking me for food money, and a ride,” he challenged.
“Yeah, and you were busy giving me a bunch of stupid, made-up rules that are basically useless,” she insisted.
“They are not useless rules,” he insisted. “They are very important rules, Chasity.”
She smirked at him, and he knew that he had played right into her hands. “So, did my aunt agree to marry you?” she asked.
Hurricane leaned back against the counter and crossed his arms over his chest. “Would you be okay with it if she did say yes?” he asked.
She mimicked his stance and demeanor, and he couldn’t help his smile. “I think that I’d be more than okay with that, Hurricane,” she agreed. “I’d love it. We’ll be a real family.”
“That’s what I said, but don’t let your aunt hear you say that. She insists that we are already a real family, but she’s still agreed to marry me anyway,” he said.
“Geeze, you really are lucky, Hurricane. If my aunt agreed to marry you, then you must not be too bad. I think she’s right—we are a family already, and that makes us all pretty lucky.” Hurricane pulled the kid in for a quick hug, loving the way that she allowed him to. They had all come a long way from him spotting Chasity on his video footage, sneaking into his club to sleep for the night. Luck had nothing to do with the universe bringing him and Tina together. That honor was all Chasity’s to claim. She was just a little girl trying to find her way in the world, and in doing so, created a family. She was right—he was the luckiest bastard in New York, and it had everything to do with the teenager standing in front of him.
The End
I hope you loved Hurricane and Tina’s story! Now, buckle up and get ready for another Yonkers, NY Royal Bastard! Reacher’s Ride or Die (A Royal Bastards MC: Yonkers, NY Chapter Book 2) is coming in June 2025 from K.L. Ramsey!
James Reacher wasn’t thrilled about babysitting Yonkers’ mother for the night. In fact, it was the last thing he wanted to do on a Friday night. The only good thing about being in New York in September was that the city seemed to come to life with the cooler weather.
Reacher knocked on Gloria’s front door and she pulled it open for him. She was at the end of her cancer treatment and looking better with each passing day. He had actually grown fond of Yonkers’ mother, and she seemed to have a sweet spot for him too.
“You know that you don’t have to knock, James,” she insisted. Gloria was one of the only people that he let call him by his real name. To everyone in his club, he was just Reacher. He’d only been with the Royal Bastards’ Yonkers chapter for less than a year now, but it was really beginning to feel like home to him. He had the trust of their club’s Prez, Hurricane, and that meant a lot to him, even if he didn’t let on.
“I know, but it would feel weird to just walk into your house,” he admitted. “Besides, I like seeing your smiling face greet me at the door. It makes my whole day better,” he said.
“Liar,” Gloria said, “but I appreciate the effort. Yonkers called to tell me that you two were switching nights and that you’re going to be babysitting me this evening.” Yonkers had called him earlier that morning to ask him to take Friday night for him so that he could take Wren to the city to see a show that she’d been bugging him about. He had scored two free tickets, and Reacher couldn’t tell the guy no—and he especially couldn’t tell sweet Wren no. She was the nicest person on the planet and deserved to have a night on the town, even if it cost him his Friday night plans.
Reacher shrugged, “It’s not a big deal,” he lied again. It was a huge deal and one that he knew would come back to bite him in the ass later. He had finally gotten the name of a guy who could help him find work in the city and he wanted to meet Reacher tonight for drinks. He had been living off the money that his dad had left him since he rolled into New York. His bank account was beginning to look pretty pathetic with all the money going out and none coming in, but he knew that he was in the right place as soon as he met Hurricane.
He had usually been a wanderer, moving around from state to state after his dad passed. He wasn’t sure where he wanted to settle down, but he was sure that he’d know it once he saw it. The night that he rolled into town and stopped on the side of the road with a flat tire, was probably the luckiest night of his life. His tire blew just outside of the Royal Bastard’s clubhouse and when he saw that, he knew that the universe was giving him a sign. He quickly ran in and found Hurricane and a few other guys hanging out and after he explained his situation to them, they all helped him out—changing the tire, offering him a place to crash for the night, and even getting him some dinner. He wasn’t sure how he’d ever be able to repay any of the guys, but since he decided to stick around, he had been trying his best to do so.
When Yonkers told him about his mom being sick, Reacher asked him how he could help. It was just how the Royal Bastards worked and there would be no way that he wouldn’t help out one of the guy’s families. Gloria had become that to him too—family. She was like the mom that he never knew and taking care of her was an honor.
“I think that you’re lying to me again, James, but I’ll let it slide if you tell me why,” she said. She walked into the family room, and he followed behind her. There was no way that she’d let him off the hook for telling her and changing the topic never worked out for him—Gloria was too quick for those kinds of tricks.
“Sit,” she ordered, patting the sofa cushion next to her, “and spill it.”
“There’s nothing really to spill,” Reacher mumbled sinking onto the couch next to her.
“Okay, then why the long face every time I bring up my son switching nights with you?” she asked.
“I’m not upset about switching nights with Yonkers. Wren deserves a night on the town,” he said.
“She does, I just wish that they’d let me babysit my granddaughter for them. They think that she’s a burden, but she’s not at all,” Gloria insisted.
“Wren and Yonkers just worry that she’ll be too much for you to handle until you’re better,” he said, trying to make her feel a little bit better. “Plus, Hurricane, Tina, and Chasity were very happy to take her for the night, as I’m very happy to be here with you for the night.”
“Okay, now you’re just pissing me off, James Reacher,” she said. “What is going on with you tonight and why do I keep getting the feeling that you’re not being truthful with me?”