And she shattered at the sound resonating so far away, almost like he was in the depths of his mother’s oceans. At the way he said those two words. Soft and tender, unlike the taunts he usually spoke. This time, the name was different.

Convulsing, Alora sobbed at the tremendous relief of hearing his voice. After stumbling for so long, almost crawling, dragging the Raven with her after violently fighting for her life.

Simplyfeelinghim again …

Finally, after not knowing if she’d ever touch him again. Experiencing him fold her into his chest in an unwavering embrace.

Alora shattered. Uncaring if anyone saw or heard.

She found herself home. The only place she felt safe.

Warm as honey, Garrik’s voice tenderly whispered through a kiss in her bloody hair, “I am here now. It is over.” It was only then she realized Garrik had caught her before she hit the ground. Laying in his lap, small craters dug beneath his knees from the impact. Freezing fingers stroked her bloody cheeks, moving the matted hair away. “Fuck,she is so cold.”

He called orders to his soldiers.

Then that soothing voice called back to her, “Look at me, Alora. I need to see your eyes.” Garrik cursed the moment they lifted, shouting as another male’s voice she knew came close.

“How bad?” Thalon asked, sounding urgent.

“There is too much blood to know.” Garrik’s voice cracked. “She has been stabbed …and drugged.”

Thalon cursed the stars and began shouting. “Find Ozrin,now! Bring him to Garrik’s camp.” If formalities were forgotten then she must be worse off than she’d imagined. Thalon neveraddressed nor regarded their High Prince by his given name outside the Shadow Order.

And that sent terror through her bones.I’m … I’m going to die.

“Not a fucking chance. You stay with me.” It wasn’t a question but a strict command. “Alora. Open your eyes.” But that one… Garrik was pleading.

It hurt terribly, even though he was being gentle. Cradling her there. Whatever had kept her going. Whatever had spurred her along had finally worn off. The pain was mercilessly setting in. She winced in a breath sharp as broken glass, trying to open her eyes. Wishing the pain would stop when Garrik moved and warm hands steadied her in his lap. Her eyes bobbed enough to watch him frantically unbutton his tunic?—

What are you doing?A moment of panic, she managed to push into his mind.Your scars. The only time she’d seen him shirtless in front of his Dragons was when he was whipped. He never let them see?—

I do not care.Rolling his tunic over his shoulders, Garrik pulled it down the corded muscles of his arms and tore it off, leaving his brutalization fully displayed. He wrapped it around the branch embedded in her side, and Thalon’s hands pressed down on the fabric, holding pressure on the wound without removing the branch.

She knew why. If they removed it, the result would possibly be bleeding to death. It was the same reason she hadn’t pulled it out herself.

Alora attempted to lift her hand to soothe the pain and wipe the blood trickling down her side, but a pained whimper croaked from her chest instead as tears burned over her bottom lashes. Streaming onto her throat and struggling to breathe.

“Where else does it hurt?” Shaking, Garrik surveyed her while Thalon’s hand remained true. But she already knewneither of them could determine the severity of her injuries. Blood covered every inch of her. Kyr’s. Hers.

Everywhere.Everything.The only place that didn’t hurt was where Garrik touched.

“Check her,” Garrik growled.

Thalon’s hands replaced one of Garrik’s. He began moving along her body.

She fought with every ounce of strength left. Fought leaving to that comforting and final place deep inside her mind, not knowing if she’d wake when a voice that reminded her of the sea and crashing waves ordered, “Take him. Follow me to my tent. Secure him in the brig.” Voice hard and demanding and lethal. Utterly damning.

Alora had never heard Aiden in such a tone.

Through slitted eyes, Alora glimpsed two Dragons jerk an unconscious Arzen forward by his shoulders. Dragging his feet in the tall grass and following Aiden into the amber glow of camp.

If she wasn’t completely helpless, she would’ve grinned knowing Arzen had fallen inside his mind. Knowing he wouldn’t be capable of striking the shield down because he would never possess the knowledge of its existence.

But panic rattled her nerves as she heard his dragging boots scrape the dirt.

What if hismagicsensed it?

After all, those he determined his target had their magic rendered useless. She still couldn’t feel starfire coursing through her veins. There was the possibility that Arzen had hidden the extent of his powers from her. He could’ve known she was a Mystic the moment they found her. Could’ve allowed her to escape and use her powers for his gain until she destroyed their camp and made his final move.