A gentle breeze brushed through the air, carrying Garrik’s scent to Alora. She tried to ignore it when Jade cried out below.
Through the darkness, Jade stood, hovering above a female with her blade near her neck. The other four were collecting their weapons from the dirt. It was evident. Jade had disarmed each one before forcing the last to yield at the end of her blade.
Beside her, Garrik’s pride beamed. His tormented eyes returned to somewhat of a glow.
Alora tried to ignore that too as she called down into the pit, voice echoing, “Jade.”
Jade snapped her head up, brushing off dirt from her training leathers and looked at Garrik.
“She wishes to know what you need,” he imparted.
“Tell her I need her to come up.”
Garrik nodded and turned his gaze back down into the pit and sighed. “Here.” Gesturing with his palm back and forth, he said, “You two can talk.”
He turned to Alora and reclined back on his palms. That gentle caress brushed against her mind. But it wasn’t Garrik’s voice that she heard.
I’m not ready to go back to camp, so don’t ask.Jade twisted her wrist, swinging her sword beside her. Angling her head and body to defend against another attack.
Neither am I. Can you come up here for a moment?
Jade sighed.Fine.And flickered her green eyes to Garrik expectantly.
Smokeshadows whorled around Jade’s body, turning her into a darkness as deep as the pit. In swirls and tendrils behind them, Jade stepped out of the shadows, leaving them to mist away as Garrik and Alora stood and walked from the edge.
Alora pulled a small emerald cloth pouch from her bag and tossed it at Jade. “Open it.”
“What is it?” Jade curled her lip in a scowl.
Alora rolled her eyes. “Just open it.”
Jade held up a hollowed silver ring, crafted to resemble a coiled dragon clenching a blazing gemstone in its talons. Burnished metal curved into vicious claws, gripping a marquise-cut white stone. Within the colorless crystal depths, sparks danced and brilliant white flames glimmered as though a tiny cosmos churned hidden behind the smooth façade.
Alora smiled, watching Jade twist it in the sunlight. “It’s to protect you from fire. As long as you wear it, flames can’t burn you, and no one can remove it, only the wearer.”
For once, Jade didn’t glower, didn’t grimace or frown, or threaten to cut Alora’s hair off. For a moment, she didn’t resemble herself at all. The stone-cold, solid look of unshakable steel was gone. Her face went unreadable as she beheld it in her fingers.
“How do you know it will work?” A small bead of sweat formed on her brow as her voice desperately tried not to tremble. “Did you test it?”
“Well no, but Eldacar and I?—”
Jade hissed and shoved it back to her, turning back to the pit without a word.
“Test it now.” Garrik stepped forward; hand outstretched. Smokeshadows whirled and misted away, leaving a flaming torch in his grip. For a moment, his eyes were captivated by the flame, but he blinked and shifted his gaze to Alora. “Give it to me.”
Instead, she gestured to him, motioning for the torch. “It should be me.” And moved to place the ring on her own finger when Garrik’s fingers enveloped hers, pulling the ring away before she placed it fully on.
“No.” Garrik enclosed it in his fist, inserting the tip of his finger inside the ring. In one quick motion, the torch lowered to his arm, and the flames licked his skin.
Incredible white light flared inside the crystal.
Garrik’s lips parted as they all watched the amber flames from the torch lick his skin. Where there should’ve been burning, bubbling flesh, his tanned skin remained whole. Untouched by the flames.
Then, the torch lifted away. And there were no burns, as if fire never touched him.
Alora’s hands were on him before she knew what she was doing. Expecting an icy chill, instead, she found his arm as hot as she normally was. She carefully twisted it, inspecting for any burns, and gaped when there were none.
Worried about me, clever girl?