He quietly chuckled.I know.

“Perhaps we should leave these Mystics be. Alynthia is protected by the mountain. There is no simple way around it. Many a traveler has been assumed to have disappeared once they entered the trails. Not even Magnelis or Ravens have been able to cross the wards. The forest is said to be protected by powers far older than Zyllyryon itself. The legends say?—”

“The legends are shit,” Jade interrupted the female faerie—Deiyanira, one of the generals. “Made-up stories from cowards who can’t even fill their own bath water.” Slumping back in her chair, Jade draped both legs over the armrest and picked dirt from beneath her nails with a dagger. “If you believe this shit, then stay behind. The rest of us won’t cower on trembling knees.”

A low growl escaped the High Prince’s mouth that had Jade nervously clutching her melted coin and bone necklace.

Alora breathed an inaudible laugh as she shook her head for Jade to see.Always so cocky.

Jade shot a look that translated to Alora being doomed for a brutal training session in the evening hours. Either that or she would be humbled by carrying back whatever downed prey they would hunt later.

The hum of the generals drummed on in a steady cadence. Old tales of deathly creatures devouring small children who found themselves wandering the forests beyond, to myths and legends of river wraiths who lured unfaithful husbands to their doom in its waters.

One thing was certain, the legion would be moving into those mountains in a few days’ time—regardless of what lay ahead.

With a cock of his brow, Garrik pressed,What? You would not agree?

Alora leaned forward, elbows resting on her knees.Legends are legends for a reason. We’d be fools to ignore them.She peered up through her eyelashes at him, face taut with silentwarning. A small flame sparked on the tip of her finger. Her eyes glistened, watching it slowly dance until it bounced across each finger and faded away within her palm.

Are we boring you?

The tip of her boot twisted in the dirt.I think there’s a better way to do this.

Oh?Garrik titled his head. Amusement flickered in his eyes.

Can’t you and Thalon dawn inside?

Not with the wards. Unless they are down, even my magic cannot penetrate them.

Alora frowned.You’ve been looking at these maps for weeks. Besides the obvious fact that no one is certain if Alynthia exists?—

Garrik crossed his arms.

—besides you, mighty prince, she sarcastically jabbed,the obvious route is straight up the mountain to the main gate. No turns, no blockades. Legend or not, if you’re trying to seem easy to reach, somewhere that you don’t want anyone to get to, that is where I’d place an attack. Make intruders drop their guard, attack when they’re unsuspecting.

Garrik grinned, a cunning expression crossed his features.What route would you take, then? Smokeshadows tendriled across the maps, outlining each trail seen and unseen.

I’m not one of your generals.She sank back in her chair and placed her palms under her thighs.

Humor me.

Alora nervously bit at her bottom lip.

You are going to make me beg?And when she didn’t oblige him, he implored with an amused plea,Please?

Garrik begging was …

She warred of the sudden ripple of pleasure in her blood. Deciding whether to remain silent or indulge the Lord ofDarkness’s curiosity, Alora pushed forward on her chair and looked across to the table.

With the map a distant view in front of her, she squinted, determining her position in the back of the tent as impossible to scan the routes from. But her vision began to shift and instead of glancing from across the room, she now appeared to be looking down over the maps, picturing herself as if she were staring into a mirrored reflection.

It was Garrik’s eyes she was staring through. Projecting the images into her mind.

And for a moment, she couldn’t help but survey herself.

The near-perfect radiance of her wavy, white hair that created an aura around her entire body. How her eyes irradiated with a captivating sapphire glow. Filled cheeks and muscles that were hugged by battle-black armor that she couldfeela strange, desiring need to strip away and touch perfect porcelain skin.

And not just her physical body … but Alora could sense something vital—something consuming and awestruck and mesmerizing at the mere thought of her voice. At the mere thought of the smile that crept up her face.